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cover The Oxford handbook of comp...
The Oxford handbook of compositionality
Oxford University Press 2012

Leading linguists and philosophers report on one of the most exciting and contentious fields in the study of language and mind, the notion that the meaning of an expression is determined by the meaning and syntax of its parts. The book reveals the connections in different lines of research and the most challenging opportunities


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The Oxford handbook of compositionality [ Recurso electrónico] / edited by Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen and Edouard Machery
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xviii, 746 p.) : ill
Tipo Audiovisual:
Compositionality (Linguistics)
Variantes del título:
Mención de serie:
Oxford handbooks in linguistics
Includes bibliographical references and index
Restricciones de acceso:
Acceso restringido a miembros de la Comunidad Universitaria
9780191744129 ( ebook) No price
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version 9780199541072
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Oxford handbooks in linguistics

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