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Vocal registers in singing ...
Vocal registers in singing : proceedings of a symposium : sevemty-eighth meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, California, november 7, 1969, and silver jubilee convention of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Cleveland, Ohio, december 28, 1969
Mouton 1973.


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Vocal registers in singing : proceedings of a symposium : sevemty-eighth meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, California, november 7, 1969, and silver jubilee convention of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Cleveland, Ohio, december 28, 1969 / edited by John W. Large.
The Hague [etc.] : Mouton, 1973.
Descripción física:
153 p.
Mención de serie:
Janua Linguarum. Series Minor ; 164
Silver Jubilee Convention of the National Association of Teachers of Singing ( 1969. Cleveland)

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