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Angels' visits [and other v...
Angels' visits [and other vocal gems of Victorian America
New World Records p1977


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Angels' visits [ Grabación sonora] : and other vocal gems of Victorian America
New York : New World Records, p1977
Descripción física:
1 disco sonoro : 33 rpm
Mención de serie:
Recorded anthology of American music
Nota general:
Kathleen Battle, soprano; Rose Taylor, mezzo-soprano; Raymond Murcell, baritone (in various combinations); Harmoneion Singers; Lawrence Skrobacs, piano or reed organ; Neely Bruce, conductor
Webster, J. P. Sweet by and by (S. F. Bennett)--Webster. Willie's grave (H. D. Webster)--Woodbury, I. B. We are happy now, dear Mother.--Anon. Flee as a bird (M. S. B. Dana)--Lowry, R. Shall we know each other there?--White, C. A. Trusting.--Buck, D. Rock of ages (A. M. Toplady)--Melnotte, C. Angels' visits (C. Spooner)--J. N. S. Oh, you must be a lover of the Lord (I. Watts)--Pratt, C. E. Put my little shoes away (S. N. Mitchell)--Fischer, W. G. I love to tell the story (K. Hankey)--Hicks, J. W. The last hymn (M. Farningham)--Dadmun, J. W. The Babe of Bethlehem
Harmoneion Singers

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