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cover Flowering Plants Eudicots [...
Flowering Plants Eudicots [Malpighiales

This volume presents systematic treatments for the families and genera of the Malpighiales, which more recently have been recognised as a new major group of the eudicots. Apart from several herbaceous lineages (already treated in Vol. IX of this series), the order consists mainly of rainforest trees, particularly those of the understorey. Accompanied by other early eudicot lineages, this reflects the well-documented origin of the group as invaders into the conifer-, cycad- and seed fern-dominated forests of the Cretaceous which, at that time, were transformed into the tropical rainforest biome. In this volume, 24 families with 429 genera comprising over 12,000 species are treated. Many of these belong to the vast family of the Euphorbiaceae (here conceived in a broader sense), followed by the Violaceae, whereas some of the remaining families are very small and even relictual. The revised classification includes a complete inventory of the genera belonging to the families treated in this volume, along with their diagnostic features and keys for their identification. References to the latest taxonomic literature and links to many different disciplines important to modern plant systematics make the volume a valuable source of information on the manifold aspects of plant diversity

Life sciences Biodiversity Plant anatomy Plant development Plant genetics Life Sciences Plant Systematics/Taxonomy/Biogeography Plant Anatomy/Development Plant Genetics & Genomics Biodiversity


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Flowering Plants Eudicots [ Recurso electrónico] : Malpighiales / edited by Klaus Kubitzki
New York [etc.] : Springer
Descripción física:
X, 331 p. 74 il
Mención de serie:
The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants ; 11
Introduction to Malpighiales -- Balanopaceae -- Caryocaraceae -- Centroplacaeae -- Chrysobalanaceae -- Ctenolophonaceae -- Dichapetalaceae -- Elatinaceae -- Erythroxylaceae -- Euphorbiaceae -- Euphroniaceae -- Goupiaceae -- Humiriaceae -- Irvingiaceae -- Ixonanthaceae -- Linaceae -- Lophopyxidaceae -- Medusagynaceae -- Ochnaceae -- Pandaceae -- Putranjivaceae -- Quiinaceae -- Rhizophoraceae -- Trigoniaceae -- Violaceae -- Addition to Peridiscaceae -- General References -- Index
Detalles del sistema:
Modo de acceso: Word Wide Web
Modo de acceso: World Wide Web
Fuente de adquisición directa:
Springer (e-Books)
9783642394171 978-3-642-39417-1
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants ; 11

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