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cover Product Modeling for Comput...
Product Modeling for Computer Integrated Design and Manufacture [TC5/WG5.2 International Workshop on Geometric Modeling in Computer Aided Design 19{u2013}23 May 1996, Airlie, Virginia, USA
Springer US 1997

This state-of-the-art text explores developments in geometric modeling, product modeling and their applications. In particular, it looks at the means by which product geometry emerges from the conceptual stages of design, and the use of geometric reasoning for applications downstream of design, including manufacture ands assembly. Much existing design research is either totally geometry based or totally non-geometric, and the interface between the two areas is of intense interest to industry, as well as being crucial for the successful development of integrated systems for design and manufacture. This interface is currently not well understood and the book makes a significant contribution towards its understanding. This book is essential reading for technical managers and research and development engineers


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Product Modeling for Computer Integrated Design and Manufacture [ Recurso electrónico] : TC5/WG5.2 International Workshop on Geometric Modeling in Computer Aided Design 19{u2013}23 May 1996, Airlie, Virginia, USA / edited by M. J. Pratt, R. D. Sriram, M. J. Wozny
Boston, MA : Springer US : Imprint: Springer, 1997
Descripción física:
X, 442 p. : online resource
Mención de serie:
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 1868-4238
9780387351872 978-0-387-35187-2
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 1868-4238


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