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cover Emerging Contaminants in Ri...
Emerging Contaminants in River Ecosystems [Occurrence and Effects Under Multiple Stress Conditions

This volume offers an overview of the occurrence of emerging organic contaminants in Mediterranean rivers and their relevance to their chemical and ecological quality under water scarcity. With chapters covering the effects under multiple stress conditions of pharmaceuticals, polar pesticides, personal care products, and industrial chemicals, the observations presented can be applicable to other parts of the world where water scarcity is an issue. It is of interest to environmental chemists, ecologists, environmental engineers, and ecotoxicologists, as well as water managers and decision-makers

Environment Water quality Water pollution Analytical chemistry Geochemistry Environmental chemistry Environment Environmental Chemistry Water Quality/Water Pollution Analytical Chemistry Geochemistry


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Emerging Contaminants in River Ecosystems [ Recurso electrónico] :] Occurrence and Effects Under Multiple Stress Conditions / edited by Mira Petrovic, Sergi Sabater, Arturo Elosegi, Dami Barcel
Mención de serie:
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry ; 46
Introduction on emerging contaminants in rivers and their environmental risk -- Contaminants of emerging concern in Mediterranean watersheds -- Emerging organic contaminants in aquifers: Sources, transport, fate, and attenuation -- Effects of emerging contaminants on biodiversity, community structure, and adaptation of river biota -- Bioaccumulation of emerging contaminants in the biota: patterns in Mediterranean river networks -- Ecosystem responses to emerging contaminants: fate and effects of pharmaceuticals in a Mediterranean river -- Fate and degradation of emerging contaminants in rivers: Models review -- The emerging contaminants in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive
Restricciones de acceso:
Acceso restringido a miembros del Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Andalucía
Detalles del sistema:
Modo de acceso: world wide web
Fuente de adquisición directa:
Springer (e-Books)
9783319293769 978-3-319-29376-9
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry ; 46

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