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cover Research in law and economi...
Research in law and economics.
Emerald 2000

Research in Law and Economics is a highly respected source of proactive, original perspectives on law and economics. For the researcher, this latest volume offers a diverse set of papers, each one a constructive contribution. The papers address: how the Supreme Court can clarify and rationalize the payment of pre-judgement interest; what is meant or should be meant by economic efficiency; the length of various statutes of limitations for accident cases; implications of the court congestion hypothesis of Posner and Priest; the efficiency of medical malpractice insurance; and the effects of hospital competition on Medicaid share


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Research in law and economics. Vol. 19 [ Recurso electrónico]
Bingley, U.K. : Emerald, 2000
Descripción física:
1 online resource (vi, 294 p.).
Mención de serie:
Research in law and economics, 0193-5895
Statistical approaches to assessing charges of environmental racism and classism against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / Adam Karp -- Bars to the payment of prejudgment interest : the supreme court and the federal employers' liability act / David E. Ault, Gilbert L. Rutman -- Of distributive justice and economic efficiency : an integrated theory of the common law / Brian N. Wasankari, Richard O. Zerbe, Steven Vinyard -- The duration of personal injury litigation / Stephen J. Spurr -- The efficiency of medical malpractice law : A new appraisal / Reed Neil Olsen -- The effects of hospital competition on nonprofit and for-profit hospital medicaid share / Sheri L. Eisert -- Statutes of limitations for accident cases : theory and evidence / Matthew Baker, Thomas J. Miceli -- Educating Alice : lessons from the coase theorem / Steven G. Medema, Richard O. Zerbe
9781849500227 ( electronic bk.) 71.95 ; {uCC70}5.95 ; $111.95
Emerald e-Book Series Collection Business Management and Economics (Servicio en línea)
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Research in law and economics

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