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cover The would-be author [Molièr...
The would-be author [Molière and the comedy of print
Purdue University Press 2015

This book is the first full-length study to examine Molière's evolving (and at times contradictory) authorial strategies, as evidenced both by his portrayal of authors and publication within the plays and by his own interactions with the seventeenth-century Parisian publishing industry. Historians of the book have described the time period that coincides with Molière's theatrical activity as centrally important to the development of authors' rights and to the professionalization of the literary field. A seventeenth-century author, however, was not so much born as negotiated through often acrim


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The would-be author [ Recurso electrónico] : Molière and the comedy of print / Michael Call
West Lafayette, Indiana : Purdue University Press, 2015
Descripción física:
1 recurso electrónico
Mención de serie:
EBSCO Academic eBook Collection Complete
Purdue studies in romance literatures ; 63
Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice
Introduction: The death of the author -- Moliere's writers -- The early plays and the pirates who loved them -- Comedic authorship and its discontents -- "Je veux qu'on me distingue" -- The school for publishers -- Collaboration's pyrrhic triumph -- Afterword: The death of the actor
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Forma de acceso: World Wide Web


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