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cover Advanced cardiac imaging [e...
Advanced cardiac imaging
Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier [2015] 2015

Advances in Cardiac Imaging presents the latest information on heart disease and heart failure, major causes of death among western populations. In addition, the text explores the financial burden to public healthcare trusts and the vast amount of research and funding being channeled into programs not only to prevent such diseases, but also to diagnose them in early stages. This book provides readers with a thorough overview of many advances in cardiac imaging. Chapters include technological developments in cardiac imaging and imaging applications in a clinical setting with regard to detecting various types of heart disease


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Advanced cardiac imaging [ Recurso electrónico-En línea] / edited by Koen Nieman, Oliver Gaemperli, Patrizio Lancellotti and Sven Plein
Amsterdam : Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier, [2015]
Descripción física:
1 online resource : color illustrations
Tipo Audiovisual:
Heart Imaging
Heart Diseases Diagnosis
HEALTH & FITNESS / Diseases / General
MEDICAL / Clinical Medicine
MEDICAL / Diseases
MEDICAL / Evidence-Based Medicine
MEDICAL / Internal Medicine
Heart Diseases diagnosis
Cardiac Imaging Techniques
Heart -- Imaging
Heart Diseases Diagnosis.
Heart Imaging.
Electronic books
Mención de serie:
Woodhead publishing series in biomaterials ; no. 99
Includes bibliographical references and index
Front Cover; Advanced Cardiac Imaging; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials; Chapter 1: Advanced cardiac imaging; 1.1 . Introduction; 1.2 . Imaging the heart; 1.3 . Techniques; 1.3.1 . Echocardiography; 1.3.2 . Nuclear cardiology; 1.3.3 . Cardiac CT ; 1.3.4 . Cardiac MR ; 1.4 . Shared themes and challenges; 1.4.1 . Multimodality imaging; 1.4.2 . Evidence-based imaging; 1.4.3 . Imaging safety; 1.4.4 . Multidisciplinary collaboration; 1.5 . Approach of the book; Part One: Technological developments in cardiac imaging
Chapter 2: Ultrasound/echocardiography2.1 . Introduction; 2.2 . Three-dimensional echocardiography [ 3,4 ]; 2.2.1 . Matrix-array transducer; 2.2.2 . Data acquisition-two modes; . Real-time 3D echocardiographic imaging; Real-time 3D narrow volume; Real-time 3D zoomed; Real-time 3D colour Doppler; . ECG-triggered multi-beat 3D echocardiographic imaging; Full volume 3D (gated); 2.2.3 . Challenges and limitations; . Temporal versus spatial resolution; . ECG gating and breath hold; . Echo dropouts; 2.2.4 . Cropping; 2.2.5 . Post acquisition display . Volume rendering2.2.5.2 . Surface rendering; . 3D tomographic slices; 2.2.6 . 3D colour Doppler; 2.2.7 . Stress echocardiography; 2.2.8 . Implementation of 3D; 2.2.9 . Conclusions; 2.3 . Contrast echocardiography [ 3-6 ]; 2.3.1 . Ultrasound contrast agents; 2.3.2 . Physics of microbubbles; 2.3.3 . Administration; 2.3.4 . Safety of contrast imaging; 2.3.5 . Mechanical index and imaging modes; . High MI (0.4-0.6) in intermittent static imaging; . Low to intermediate MI (< 0.1-0.3) in real-time continuous imaging . Recommendations from the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) [ 4 ]2.3.6 . Contrast imaging modes; . LV opacification and endocardial delineation; . Tissue characterization; . Myocardial perfusion; 2.3.7 . Stress echocardiography with contrast; . Coronary flow reserve-offline image processing; 2.3.8 . EACVI recommendations for LV opacification contrast echocardiography [ 5 ]; 2.3.9 . Conclusions; 2.4 . Deformation imaging; 2.4.1 . Tissue Doppler imaging; . Myocardial velocity imaging; Colour Doppler; Pulsed Doppler
Limitations to velocity imagingAngle dependency; Movement of sample volume; Reverberations; Tethering and cardiac translation; Load dependency; . Displacement imaging; . Strain imaging; Definition of strain and strain rate; Limitations of strain and strain rate by TDI; Signal noise; Resolution; Angle dependency; Reverberations; . TDI in clinical use; 2.4.2 . Speckle tracking echocardiography; . Differences of strain from STE versus strain from TDI; . Limitations of STE strain; . Three-dimensional (3D) STE; 2.5 . Future trends
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Accesible sólo para usuarios de la UPV
Tipo recurso electrónico:
Recurso a texto completo
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Forma de acceso: Web
Fuente de adquisición directa:
Elsevier. ; Suscripción
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
914434650. 962127954
9781782422945 ( electronic bk.)
1782422943 ( electronic bk.)
9781782422822 ( print)
178242282X (print)
ScienceDirect (Servicio en línea)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Nieman, Koen. Advanced Cardiac Imaging : Techniques and Applications. --, Burlington : Elsevier Science,c2015 9781782422822
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Woodhead Publishing series in biomaterials ; no. 99

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