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Hegemony and culture in the origins of NATO nuclear first-use, 1945-1955
Palgrave Macmillan 2005


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Hegemony and culture in the origins of NATO nuclear first-use, 1945-1955 [ Recurso electrónico] / Andrew M. Johnston
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
Descripción física:
x, 329 p.
Mención de serie:
Ebook Central
Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice
Introduction : the persistence of nuclear first-use -- Ch. 1. Culture, war, empire -- Ch. 2. The persistence of the old regime : British, French, and American strategic thinking before 1949 -- Ch. 3. "Disembodied military planning" : the political-economy of strategy, 1949-50 -- Ch. 4. Mind the gap : the paper divisions and cardboard wings of the Lisbon force goals -- Ch. 5. Strategies of perpheralism : France, Britain, and the American new look -- Ch. 6. Two cultures of massive retaliation : neo-isolationism and the idealism of John Foster Dulles -- Ch. 7. Hegemony versus multilateralism : nuclear sharing and NATO's search for cohesion -- Ch. 8. "Our plans might not be purely defensive" : leading NATO into the nuclear era -- Conclusion : what does culture tell us about NATO nuclear strategy that we were afraid to ask?
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Modo de acceso: Worl Wide Web
Fuente de adquisición directa:
Ebook Central
Materia Entidad:
Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte- Military policy

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