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cover 2014 IEEE Symposium on Comp...
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Brain Computer Interfaces (CIBCI)
IEEE 2014

Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have the potential to impact on a range of applications, including assessment and treatment of cognitive impairments and as alternative assistive technologies for the physically impaired Computational Intelligence (CI) has for many years drawn inspiration from the brain to produce data and signal processing techniques and systems which are capable of learning, evolving, adapting, self organizing and communicating effectively with humans and machines CI approaches provide cutting edge technologies for advanced modeling and signal processing techniques to achieve breakthroughs in BCIs The CIBCI Symposium focuses on applying advanced computational intelligence tools associated with brain computer interfaces, and provides a forum for modelers and practitioners to present their newest results and exchange ideas in this rapidly developing field

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2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Brain Computer Interfaces (CIBCI)
[S.l.] : IEEE, 2014
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1 online resource
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