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Aristoteles Latinus database
Aristoteles Latinus database

The complete corpus of medieval Greek-Latin translations of the works of Aristotle as published in the printed work, Aristoteles Latinus, expanded with texts that had been edited within other contexts (such as the Editio Leonina of Thomas Aquinass works), and several previously unavailable Greco-Latin Aristotle translations, including other texts that have shaped the study of the Latin Aristotle in the Middle Ages: the corpus of Latin translations of Greek commentaries and glosses on Aristotle (most of them published in the Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum), texts that were closely associated with the Corpus Aristotelicum (such as the Liber sex principiorum, the Paraphrasis Themistiana or the Vita Aristotelis), and some translations from the Arabic (Analytica Posteriora, tr. Gerardi and Averroes Poetria, tr. Hermanni)

Electronic reference sources Databases. Manuscripts.


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Aristoteles Latinus database
[Turnhout, Belgium] : Brepols
Fechas de publicación:
Began in 2006?
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Nota general:
User's guide by Carlos Steel and Paul Tombeur
In Latin with instructions in English, French, German, and Italian
Entidad responsable:
Collaboration of: Union académique internationale, "Aristoteles Latinus" Centre, Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Centre "Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium."
Materia Nombre:
Union académique internationale
Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- ). Centre Aristoteles Latinus
Centre Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium


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