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musica Rebiun24793823 sd fsngnnmmned 191217p20182015nyuzznn abdfh n zxx d ESEHU spa rdc ESEHU "We, like Salangan swallows ..." Grabación sonora] a choral gallery of Morton Feldman and contemporaries the Astra Choir ; John McCaughey, director Choral gallery of Morton Feldman and contemporaries Brooklyn, NY New World Records cop. 2018 Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY New World Records ©2018 1 disco compacto (CD-Audio) (76 min.) digital 12 cm 1 disco compacto (CD-Audio) (76 min.) Tít. tomado de la etiqueta del disco Notas del programa de John McCaughey, notas sobre los artistas intérpretes, textos en inglés, discografía seleccionada y bibliografía (35 p.) incluidas en el estuche Chorus and instruments Morton Feldman 11:14) --) Three statements. The last invocation Madrigal A clear midnight Will Ogdon ; [texts], Walt Whitman (The last invocation, A clear midnight), Thomas Campion (Madrigal) 5:39) --) Voices and instruments 2 Morton Feldman 15:40) --) Sound patterns Pauline Oliveros 3:49) --) Elegy Warren Burt (6:46). -- Voices and instruments 1 Morton Feldman 12:40) --) Small pieces for large chorus Earle Brown 9:08) --) Sullivan songs. The city Robert Carl ; [text,] Louis Sullivan 2:12) --) The swallows of Salangan Morton Feldman 7:49) Astra Choir ; con instrumentalistas acompañantes ; John McCaughey, director Cantada en inglés o vocalización sin palabras Whitman, Walt 1819-1892) Musical settings Campion, Thomas 1567-1620) Musical settings Sullivan, Louis H. 1856-1924) Musical settings Campion, Thomas 1567-1620) Sullivan, Louis H. 1856-1924) Whitman, Walt 1819-1892) Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices) with instrumental ensemble Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices, 4 parts), Unaccompanied Vocal trios with instrumental ensemble Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices), Unaccompanied Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices, 6 parts), Unaccompanied Vocalises Aleatory music Aleatory music. Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices, 4 parts), Unaccompanied. Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with instrumental ensemble. Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices, 6 parts), Unaccompanied. Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices), Unaccompanied. Vocal trios with instrumental ensemble. Aleatory music. Art music. Chamber music. Musical settings. Songs. Songs. Musical settings. Aleatory music. Art music. Chamber music. Vocalises Whitman, Walt 1819-1892) author Campion, Thomas 1567-1620) author Sullivan, Louis H. 1856-1924) author McCaughey, John conductor writer of added commentary Container of (work) Feldman, Morton 1926-1987). Chorus and instruments,. no. 1 Container of (work) Ogdon, Will 1921-2013). Statements. (1960) Container of (work) Feldman, Morton 1926-1987). Voices and instruments,. no. 2 Container of (work) Oliveros, Pauline 1932-2016). Sound patterns Container of (work) Burt, Warren 1949-). Elegy mixed chorus Container of (work) Feldman, Morton 1926-1987). Voices and instruments,. no. 1 Container of (work) Brown, Earle 1926-2002). Small pieces for large chorus Container of (work) Carl, Robert 1954-). Sullivan songs. City Container of (work) Feldman, Morton 1926-1987). Swallows of Salangan Astra Choir performer Anthology of Recorded Music, Inc. sponsoring body