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The 1848 revolutions and European political thought
Cambridge University Press 2018

"In our contemporary world, the rise of right-wing populism in the USA and Europe displays marked affinities with the post-1848 situation in France, and the figure of Napoleon III, both ludicrous and sinister, seems to anticipate certain types of present-day politicians. There are even more eerie resemblances between now and then; some of the demagogic discourse of Bonaparte le petit is not unlike that of Trump"--


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The 1848 revolutions and European political thought / edited by Douglas Moggach, Gareth Stedman Jones
Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2018
Descripción física:
1 recurso electrónico
Variantes del título:
Eighteen-forty eight revolutions and European political thought
Mención de serie:
CUP ebooks
Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice
Lamartine, the Girondins and 1848 / Jonathan Beecher -- The many revolutions of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon / Edward Castleton -- French republicanism after 1848 / Thomas C. Jones -- Socialist visions of direct democracy : the mid-century crisis of popular sovereignty, and the constitutional legacy of the Jacobins / Anne-Sophie Chambost -- Working-class socialism in 1848 in France / Samuel Hayat -- 1848 and British political thought on 'the principle of nationality' / Georgios Varouxakis -- Christian socialism, class collaboration and British public life after 1848 / Jonathan Parry -- On the 'absence of spirit' : the legacy of the abstinence from revolution in Belgium / Widukind de Ridder -- German republicans and socialists in the prelude to 1848 / Douglas Moggach -- David Friedrich Strauss in 1848 : an analysis of his 'theologico-political' speeches / Norbert Waszek -- 1848 and German socialism / Diana Siclovan -- Post-revolutionary politics : the case of the Prussian ministry of state / Anna Ross -- 'The goal of that pure and noble yearning' : Friedrich Meinecke's visions of 1848 / Duncan Kelly -- The nationality problem in the Habsburg monarchy and the revolutions of 1848 : a reassessment / Alan Sked -- National movements against nation states : Bohemia and Lombardy between the Habsburg empire, the German confederation and Piedmont / Axel Korner -- The political thought of a new constitutional monarchy : Piedmont after 1848 / Maurizio Isabella -- Revolution, socialism, and the Slavic question : 1848 and Michael Bakunin / Jean-Christophe Angaut -- Elusive signifiers : 1848 and the language of 'class struggle' / Gareth Stedman Jones
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