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Today, the Burnout Syndrome starts to become a really relevant social problem. So much so that researchers on labor matter and health field have claimed the recognition of this syndrome as a professional illness, or as a labor risk. The first aim of this study was to investigate the SB incidence and its consequences in nursing professionals from the public field, who implement the primary care, from high and medium complexity in the state of Paraíba - Brazil, by analysing the relationship between Burnout and Engagement, as well as the role of resilience as a factor of SB protection among such professionals. It is a transversal type study that describes the characteristics of nursing professionals by analysis of the relationship phenomenon among variables. It has taken place in 15 municipalities in the state of Paraíba – Brazil, involving a working population that assist patients from low income classes, sampling 320 nurses. As an ethical procedure we adopted Resolution no. 466/2012 principles from the National Health Council, which presents the ruling guidelines on research involving human beings in Brazil, including the Free and Clear Consent Term. It was a quantitative research and the instruments used for data collection were: Socio-demographic, Laboral Questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory Questionnaire (MBI), Prediction Factors and Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome in Nursing workers, Self-Report Questionnaire - SRQ- 20, the Resilience Scale (Wagnild and Young, 1993) and Work & Well-being Survey (UWES). To achieve results we proceeded with an statistical analysis by using the software statistics package for the Social Sciences – SPSS - 13.0 version. From the analysis accomplished ,we concluded that: it was possible to determine the SB presence, as well as to know the existence of the difference in the incidence of the syndrome studied, according to the kind of activity the researched nurses carry out, that is, in the high and medium complexity level of primary care; the consequences of mental health related to SB in the nurses studied were confirmed; it was possible to know its behavioral and psychossomatic consequences, as well as to evidence their vulnerability to SB in the different factors of resilience and Engagement; it was also found out the existence of the relationship among SB dimensions, the psychological consequences and resilience factors shown by nursing professionals
monografia Rebiun25375283 cr ||||||a|a|| 191111s2016 sp#######s####000#0#spa#d S 543-2016 9788490126882 UPSA ELB55867 ULL0571923 UM0692659 UPNA0468917 UPCO0556555 UPNA0472403 CBUC 991001831419706706 CBUC 991036632489706706 UPVA 997229022403706 UPM 991006003430504212 UAM 991007696517304211 UCAR 991008169903704213 UFV0609756 UPCT u442892 CBUC 991000889882906712 CBUC 991009429198006719 CBUC 991003566368506714 CBUC 991010488507106709 CBUC 991004248331406713 CBUC 991012526423206708 UIB (395421) UR0392064 UMA.RE 614.2 Farias, Jamilton Alves El modelo 'burnout'- engagement en enfermeros Recurso electrónico] :] el factor protector de la resiliencia Jamilton Alves Farias Salamanca Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca 2016 Salamanca Salamanca Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca 1 disco compacto (CD-ROM) 1 disco compacto (CD-ROM) Vítor 405 Today, the Burnout Syndrome starts to become a really relevant social problem. So much so that researchers on labor matter and health field have claimed the recognition of this syndrome as a professional illness, or as a labor risk. The first aim of this study was to investigate the SB incidence and its consequences in nursing professionals from the public field, who implement the primary care, from high and medium complexity in the state of Paraíba - Brazil, by analysing the relationship between Burnout and Engagement, as well as the role of resilience as a factor of SB protection among such professionals. It is a transversal type study that describes the characteristics of nursing professionals by analysis of the relationship phenomenon among variables. It has taken place in 15 municipalities in the state of Paraíba Brazil, involving a working population that assist patients from low income classes, sampling 320 nurses. As an ethical procedure we adopted Resolution no. 466/2012 principles from the National Health Council, which presents the ruling guidelines on research involving human beings in Brazil, including the Free and Clear Consent Term. It was a quantitative research and the instruments used for data collection were: Socio-demographic, Laboral Questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory Questionnaire (MBI), Prediction Factors and Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome in Nursing workers, Self-Report Questionnaire - SRQ- 20, the Resilience Scale (Wagnild and Young, 1993) and Work & Well-being Survey (UWES). To achieve results we proceeded with an statistical analysis by using the software statistics package for the Social Sciences SPSS - 13.0 version. From the analysis accomplished ,we concluded that: it was possible to determine the SB presence, as well as to know the existence of the difference in the incidence of the syndrome studied, according to the kind of activity the researched nurses carry out, that is, in the high and medium complexity level of primary care; the consequences of mental health related to SB in the nurses studied were confirmed; it was possible to know its behavioral and psychossomatic consequences, as well as to evidence their vulnerability to SB in the different factors of resilience and Engagement; it was also found out the existence of the relationship among SB dimensions, the psychological consequences and resilience factors shown by nursing professionals Resilencia Enfermería Autismo y síndrome de asperger; enfermería; enfermedades y trastornos; neurology & clinical neurophysiology; nursing; diseases & disorders Universidad de Salamanca