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cover Game Changer The Impact of ...
Game Changer The Impact of 9/11 on North American Security

The events of 9/11 turned North American politics upside down. US policy makers focused less on how they could better integrate the economies of Mexico, Canada, and the United States and more on security and sovereignty. Although security experts tend to view the developments that followed within a bilateral framework, Game Changer broadens the canvas by examining how America's desire to keep its two borders closed to threats but open to trade has influenced Canada and Mexico. By adopting a truly North American, or trilateral, framework, this authoritative volume suggests new approaches to security in the post-9/11 world

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Game Changer The Impact of 9/11 on North American Security
Vancouver, BC : UBC Press, 2014
Descripción física:
1 online resource (1 EPUB 2 file (1.16 MB))
Includes bibliographical references and index
1. Security Relations Was 9/11 a Watershed? / Jonathan Paquin / Patrick James -- 2. The Homeland Security Dilemma / Charles F. Doran -- Assessing the Implications for Canada-US Border Security Negotiations / Charles F. Doran -- 3. Toward Greater Opportunism / Frank P. Harvey -- Balancing and Bandwagoning in Canada-US Relations / Frank P. Harvey -- 4. Canada, the United States, and Continental Security after 9/11 / Justin Massie -- An Assessment Based on Attribution Theory / Justin Massie -- 5. Canada-US Security Cooperation under the Security and Prosperity Partnership / Patrick James / Mark Paradis -- An Autopsy Report / Patrick James / Mark Paradis -- 6. The Disintegrative Effects of North / Jonathan Paquin / Louis Belanger -- America's Securitization on the Canada- Mexico Relationship / Louis Belanger / Jonathan Paquin -- 7. Mexico's Ambiguous Foreign Policy toward North America / Stephen Clarkson
8. From the Border Partnership Agreement to the Twenty-First-Century Border / Athanasios Hristoulas -- Enforcing Security on the US-Mexico Border / Athanasios Hristoulas -- 9. National Interest or Self-Interest? / Isabelle Vagnoux -- Advocacy Think Tanks, 9/11, and the Future of North American Security / Isabelle Vagnoux -- 10. A Comnon "Bilateral" Vision / Donald E. Abelson -- North American Defence Cooperation, 2001-12 / Donald E. Abelson -- 11. Defence Policy and the Aerospace and Defence Industry in North America / Philippe Lagasse -- The Changing Contours of the Post-9/11 / Philippe Lagasse -- 12. The Canada-US Alliance in the Post-9/11 Context / Era Yan Cimon -- Any Room for Mexico? / Era Yan Cimon
Versión original:
Original version: S.l. : UBC Press, 2014
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
864774989 876860886 961666885 962726656 1091658431 1097301540
9780774827089 ( pdf)
0774827084 ( pdf)
9780774827096 ( epub)
0774827092 ( epub)
9780774827065 ( bound)
Materia Geográfica:
North America- Foreign relations
North America.
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Game changer. (CaOONL)20139077170
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