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cover The Mustard Seed Garden Man...
The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting : A Facsimile of the 1887-1888 Shanghai Edition

Originally published as Volume 2 of The Tao of Painting, this is the first English translation of the famous Chinese handbook, the "Chieh Tzu Yüan Hua Chuan" (original, 1679-1701). Mai-mai Sze has translated and annotated the texts of instructions, discussions of the fundamentals of painting, notes on the preparation of colors, and chief editorial prefaces

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Título uniforme:
Chieh tzu yüan hua chuan. English & Chinese
The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting : A Facsimile of the 1887-1888 Shanghai Edition / Mai-mai Sze
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, [2015]
Descripción física:
1 online resource (645 p.)
Mención de serie:
Bollingen Series (General) ; 197
Nota general:
Includes index
This facsim. and translation was originally issued as v. 2 of: The tao of painting / Mai-Mai Sze. 1956
Includes original 1679 Chinese t.p.
Although sometimes attributed to Li Yü, the authors are three Wang brothers: Wang Kai, general editor and sole author of pt. 1, and Wang Shih and Wang Nieh, who assisted with the remainder. Cf. Introd
Frontmatter -- ; Publisher's Note -- ; Contents -- ; Traditional Chronology -- ; Introduction -- ; Preface to the Shanghai (1887-88) Edition -- ; Part I -- ; Preface to the First (1679) Edition -- ; The Fundamentals of Painting -- ; Book of Trees -- ; Book of Rocks -- ; Book of Jên-wu -- ; Part II -- ; Preface to Parts II and III of the First Complete Edition (1701) -- ; Book of the Orchid -- ; Book of the Bamboo -- ; Book of the Plum -- ; Book of the Chrysanthemum -- ; Part III -- ; Book of Grasses, Insects, and Flowering Plants -- ; Book of Feathers-and-Fur and Flowering Plants -- ; Concluding Notes on the Preparation of Colors -- ; Summary of the Chieh (SX(Bzŭ Yüan Hua Chuan -- ; Appendix: Analysis of Basic Terms -- ; Index
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