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The present paper establishes a dialog between Paul Celan's poetry and Slavoj Zizek contemporary thought, centered on the Shoah and its repercussions as its focal point. By means of the analysis of three aspects in particular -the notion of evil, the sense of darkness and the idea of an absconding God- it also approaches questions of the poetic representability of the Shoah and the aesthetic accessibility of Celan's poetry, which eventually leads to a slightly broader conclusion on the role and importance of aestheticization of trauma, in the Lacanian sense, in general
the present paper establishes a dialogue between Paul Celan's poetry and Slavoj Zizek contemporary thought, centered on the Shoah and its repercussions as its focal point. By means of the analysis of three aspects in particular -the notion of evil, the sense of darkness and the idea of an absconding God- it also approaches questions of the poetic representability of the Shoah and the aesthetic accessibility of Celan's poetry, which eventually leads to a slightly broader conclusion on the role and importance of aestheticization of trauma, in the lacanian sense, in general
analitica Rebiun30702371 220622s2017 xx o 000 0 spa d 10.5209/RFRM.55834 S9M RFRM DGCNT S9M S9M dc "A Gigantic Sacrifice to the Obscure Gods": Slavoj Zizek's and Paul Celan's Visions on Evil, Darkness and an Absconding God in the Aftermath of the Shoah electronic resource] "El gigantesco sacrificio a los dioses oscuros": las visiones de Slavoj Zizek y Paul Celan sobre el mal, la oscuridad y un dios en fuga en las repercusiones de la Shoah Ediciones Complutense 2017-04-24 Ediciones Complutense application/pdf Open access content. Open access content star The present paper establishes a dialog between Paul Celan's poetry and Slavoj Zizek contemporary thought, centered on the Shoah and its repercussions as its focal point. By means of the analysis of three aspects in particular -the notion of evil, the sense of darkness and the idea of an absconding God- it also approaches questions of the poetic representability of the Shoah and the aesthetic accessibility of Celan's poetry, which eventually leads to a slightly broader conclusion on the role and importance of aestheticization of trauma, in the Lacanian sense, in general the present paper establishes a dialogue between Paul Celan's poetry and Slavoj Zizek contemporary thought, centered on the Shoah and its repercussions as its focal point. By means of the analysis of three aspects in particular -the notion of evil, the sense of darkness and the idea of an absconding God- it also approaches questions of the poetic representability of the Shoah and the aesthetic accessibility of Celan's poetry, which eventually leads to a slightly broader conclusion on the role and importance of aestheticization of trauma, in the lacanian sense, in general Spanish Paul Celan; Slavoj Zizek; Shoah; representability; hermetic poetry; German poetry; Lacan; contemporary philosophy Paul Celan; Slavoj Zizek; Shoah; representability; hermetic poetry; German poetry; lacan; contemporary philosophy info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Artículo revisado por pares Bomholt, Marius Christian. cre Revista de Filología Románica; Vol. 33 (2016): Nª Especial: Reflejos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la literatura y en la artes; 47-57 Revista de Filología Románica; Vol. 33 (2016): Nª Especial: Reflejos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la literatura y en la artes; 47-57 Revista de Filología Románica; Vol. 33 (2016): Nª Especial: Reflejos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la literatura y en la artes; 47-57 1988-2815 0212-999X /*ref*/Adorno, theodor (1963): 'Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft', in: id., Prismen: Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft (pp.7-26). Munich: Deutscher taschenbuch Verlag. (Original work published 1951) /*ref*/Adorno, theodor (2002): Aesthetic Theory. New York, NY: Continuum. (Original work published 1970) /*ref*/Agamben, Giorgio (2000): Remnants of Auschwitz. The Witness and the Archive. New York, NY: Zone Books /*ref*/Arendt, hannah (1978): Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. New York, NY: Penguin Books. (Original work published 1963) /*ref*/Blumenberg, hans (1985): The Legitimacy of the Modern Age. Cambridge, MA: MIt Press /*ref*/Breithaupt, Fritz (1995): 'Echo. Zur neueren Celan-Philologie'. MLI 110(3) (German issue), pp. 631-657 /*ref*/Celan, Paul (1986), Speech on the occasion of receiving the literature Prize of the Free hanseatic City of Bremen, in: id., Paul Celan: Gesammelte Werke (B. Allemann & S. Reichert, eds.) (vol. III., pp. 185-186). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. (Speech given in 1958) /*ref*/Derrida, Jacques (2005): Sovereignties in Question: The Poetry of Paul Celan (t. Dutoit & O. Pasanen, eds.). New York, NY: Fordham University Press /*ref*/Emmerich, Wolfgang (1999): Paul Celan. Reinbek: Rowohlt /*ref*/Felstiner, John (1995): Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew. New haven, Ct: Yale University Press /*ref*/Gadamer, hans-Georg (1997): Gadamer on Celan: 'Who am I and who are you?' and other Essays (R. heinemann & B. Krajewski, eds.), Albany, NY, SUNY Press /*ref*/Lacan, Jacques (1986): Le Séminaire VII: L'Éthique de la Psychanalyse (text established by Jacques-Alain Miller). Paris: Éditions du Seuil. (Seminar given in 1959-1960) /*ref*/Zizek, Slavoj (1997): The Plague of Fantasies. london: Verso /*ref*/Zizek, Slavoj (2001a): Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? Five Interventions in the (Mis)use of a Notion. london: Verso /*ref*/Zizek, Slavoj (2001b): On Belief. london: Routledge /*ref*/Zizek, Slavoj (2006): The Parallax View. Cambridge, MA: MIt Press /*ref*/Zizek, Slavoj (2012): Less Than Nothing. Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism. london: Verso