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cover The Cambridge Dictionary of...
The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
Cambridge University Press 2006

From publisher description--Providing an authoritative and comprehensive overview of the classical and the contemporary from accounts to Zola, Irving, this volume is an indispensable guide to the vibrant and expanding field of sociology. Featuring over 600 entries, from concise definitions to discursive essays, written by leading international academics, the Dictionary offers a truly global perspective, examining both American and European traditions and approaches. Entries cover schools, theories, theorists and debates, with substantial articles on all key topics in the field

Dictionary Electronic books Sources. Dictionaries. Electronic reference sources. Dictionaries.


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The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology / General Editor, Bryan S. Turner
Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xx, 688 pages)
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Available from some providers with title: Credo Reference
Available from some providers with title: Xreferplus
Dictionary of Sociology
Nota general:
Includes graphical cross-reference mapper
Cover; Half-title; Series-title; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; List of contributors; Acknowledgments; Introduction; How to use this Dictionary; A; accounts; act; action research; action theory; actor network theory; adaptation; addiction; Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund (1903-1969); aesthetics; affirmative action; affluent society; affluent worker; African-American studies; age; age differentiation; age group; ageism; agency and structure; aging; alienation; Althusser, Louis (1918-1990); ancient society; Annales School; anomie; antiglobalization movements; Archer, Margaret (1943- )
Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975)Aron, Raymond (1905-1983); arts; Asian-American studies; Asiatic mode of production; assimilation; associative democracy; attitude; attitude scales; audience; audience research; Austro-Marxism; authoritarian personality; authoritarianism; authority; automation; autopoiesis; B; Bales, Robert Freed (1916-2004); Barthes, Roland (1915-1980); base/superstructure; Baudrillard, Jean (1929- ); Bauman, Zygmunt (1925- ); de Beauvoir, Simone (1908-1986); Beck, Ulrich (1944- ); Becker, Howard S. (1928- ); behaviorism; Bell, Daniel (1919- ); bell curve; Bellah, Robert N. (1927- )
Bendix, Reinhard (1916-1991)Benjamin, Walter (1892-1940); Berger, Peter L. (1929- ); Bernstein, Basil (1924-2000); bias; biological reductionism; biologism; biopolitics; biotechnology; Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies; black economy; black studies; Blau, Peter M. (1918-2002); Blumer, Herbert (1900-1987); body; Bogardus scale; Boudon, Raymond (1934- ); Bourdieu, Pierre (1930-2002); British Marxist historians; burden of dependency; bureaucracy; bureaucratization; Burgess, Ernest W. (1886-1966); C; Canguilhem, Georges (1904-1995); capitalism; capitalist mode of production
Carceral societycare; career; case study; Castells, Manuel (1942- ); causal explanation; causal inference; causal modeling; causality; cause; census; charisma; Chicago School of Sociology; Chicano studies; childhood/children; Chodorow, Nancy (1944- ); church-sect typology; Cicourel, Aaron Victor (1928- ); citizenship; city; civic culture; civil religion; civil rights; civil rights movement; civil society; civilization; civilizing process; class conflict; class consciousness; class interest; cluster analysis; coding; cognitive dissonance; cohorts; Coleman, James S. (1926-1995)
Collective actioncollective behavior; collective goods; collective rights; Collège de Sociologie; Collins, Randall (1941- ); colonialism; color blind; commodity Fetishism; communism; communitarianism; community; community enterprise; community studies; companionate marriage; comparative method; complexity theory; Comte, Auguste (1798-1857); concentric zone theory; conjugal roles; conservatism; consumer society; consumption; consumption cleavages; consumption function; control group; convergence; conversation analysis; Cooley, Charles Horton (1864-1929); corporate crime; correlation
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221347069 436847848 456147625 460056926 506950188 666904332 708317037 815546245 819627231 961615173 962596733 994560551 1037522061 1162310877 1200060191 1204519893 1241841491 1264968332 1289750421 1296836343 1296892251 1300664221
9780511371455 ( electronic bk.)
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9780511481116 ( electronic book)
051148111X ( electronic book)
9780511369759 ( e-book)
0511369751 ( e-book)
052183290X ( hardback)
0521540461 ( pbk.)
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Cambridge dictionary of sociology 052183290X (DLC) 2006023248 (OCoLC)70173369


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