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Análisis de las notas tomad...
Análisis de las notas tomadas por los alumnos en una presentación inicial de límite de una función

In this article, we examined the notes taken by four classes of eleventh-gradeduring the first presentation of thenotion of function limit. We analyzed the elements that the students had decided to write down and the aspects of the meaning of the concept represented in their notes. We detected important differences in the transcription of examples and verbal notes. Thesenotes usually emphasized movements only in one variable or on the graphs of the functions. We conclude with some reflections about the potential influence of these notes in the student's learning of the concept

En este artículo se examinan las notas tomadas por alumnos de cuatro aulas de primero de Bachillerato durante una presentación inicial del concepto de límite de una función. Hemos analizado qué elementos son registrados y qué aspectos del significado del concepto de límite quedan reflejados. Se han detectado diferencias importantes en la transcripción de ejemplos y en los registros verbales. Las notas tienden a enfatizar movimientos únicamente en una variable o sobre las gráficas de las funciones. Concluimos con algunas reflexiones sobre la influencia potencial de estas notas en el aprendizaje del concepto.Analysis of the Notes Taken by Students in a First Presentation of the Notion of Function Limit In this article, we examined the notes taken by four classes of eleventh-grade during the first presentation of the notion of function limit. We analyzed the elements that the students had decided to write down and the aspects of the meaning of the concept represented in their notes. We detected important differences in the transcription of examples and verbal notes. These notes usually emphasized movements only in one variable or on the graphs of the functions.We conclude with some reflections about the potential influence of these notes in the student's learning of the concept. Handle:

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Análisis de las notas tomadas por los alumnos en una presentación inicial de límite de una función [ electronic resource]
Tipo Audiovisual:
High school students
Limit of a function
Systems of representation
Estudiantes de bachillerato
Límite de una función
Sistemas de representación
Toma de notas
Documento fuente:
PNA, ISSN 1887-3987, Vol. 11, Nº. 3, 2017, pags. 155-179
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Open access content. Open access content star
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Enlace a fuente de información:
PNA, ISSN 1887-3987, Vol. 11, Nº. 3, 2017, pags. 155-179

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