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The Payment Services Directive II : a commentary

"This comprehensive and essential Commentary examines both the origins and effect of the EU's 2015 Payment Services Directive (PSD2). Addressing a significant gap in the available literature, the book is divided into two parts: Part I analyses the legislative provisions of the Directive, while Part II explores the PSD2 implementation experience in selected EU Member States as well as in the United Kingdom."

Law commentaries. Law commentaries. Commentaires juridiques.


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The Payment Services Directive II : a commentary / edited by Gabriella Gimigliano and Marta Bozina Beros
Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, [2021]
Descripción física:
1 online resource
Mención de serie:
Elgar commentaries in financial law series
Includes bibliographical references and index
Title I 'Subject matter, scope and definitions' (ARTS 1-4) / Benjamin Geva. -- Title II 'Payment service providers', Chapter 1 'Payment Institutions', Section 1 'General Rules' (ARTS 5-18), Section 2 'Other Requirements' (ARTS 19-21) / Ciro G. Corvese. -- Title II 'Payment Service Providers', Chapter 1 'Payment Institutions', Section 3 'Competent Authorities and Supervision' (ARTS 22-31), Section 4 'Exemptions' (ARTS 32-34) / Marta Bozina Beros. -- Title II 'Payment Service Providers', Chapter 2 'Common Provisions' (ARTS 35-37) / Nikita Divissenko and Gabriella Gimigliano. -- Title III 'Transparency of Conditions and Information Requirements for Payment Services', Chapter 1 'General Rules' (ARTS 38-42), Chapter 2 'Single Payment Transactions' (ARTS 43-49), Chapter 3 'Framework Contracts' (ARTS 50-58) / Gabriella Gimigliano. -- Title III 'Transparency of Conditions and Information Requirements for Payment Services', Chapter 4 'Common Provisions ' (ARTS 59-60) / Noah Vardi. -- Title IV 'Rights and Obligations in Relation to the Provision and Use of Payment Services', Chapter 1 'Common Provisions' (ARTS 61-63) / Gabriella Gimigliano. -- Title IV, 'Rights and Obligations in Relation to the Provision and Use of Payment Services', Chapter 2 'Authorisation of Payment Transactions' (ARTS 64-77) / Gabriella Gimigliano. -- Title IV 'Rights and Obligations in Relation to the Provision and Use of Payment Services', Chapter 3 'Execution of Payment Transactions' (ARTS 78-93) / Benjamin Geva. -- Title IV 'Rights and Obligations in Relation to the Provision and Use of Payment Services', Chapter 4 'Data Protection' (ART. 94) / Nikita Divissenko. -- Title IV 'Rights and Obligations in Relation to the Provision and Use of Payment Services', Chapter 5 'Operational and Security Risks and Authentication' (ARTS 95-98) / Ruth Wandhöfer. -- Title IV 'Rights and Obligations in Relation to the Provision and Use of Payment Services', Chapter 6 'ADR Procedures for the Settlement of Disputes' (ARTS 99-103) / Arno R. Lodder. -- Title V 'Delegated Acts and Regulatory Technical Standards' (ARTS 104-106) / Martin Miernicki. -- Title VI 'Final Provisions' (ARTS 107-117) / Gabriella Gimigliano. -- Implementation of the PSD2 In Austria / Martin Miernicki. -- Transposition of the PSD2 into Croatian national legislation / Ivana Parac Vukomanovic. -- Transposition of PSD2 into Czech law / Petr Kotáb, Jirí Moravec and Jan Skrabka. -- PSD2 implementation in Estonia / Nikita Divissenko. -- Implementation of the PSD2 in Finland : a Nordic view on payment services regulation / Jyri Terämaa. -- The transposition of the PSD2 into French la / Evelina Gratianu and Myriam Roussille. -- Transposition of PSD2 into German law with special consideration of the regulatory and civil law change / Christian Conreder. -- The transposition of the PSD2 in Italy : policies and rules / Costanza Iacomini and Simone Mezzacapo. -- Spain's implementation of PSD2 / Fernando Zunzunegui. -- PSD2, Brexit and the financial regulation of payment systems in the UK / Daniele D'Alvia, Katrien Morbee and Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
1269616941 1272955230
9781839105685 ( electronic book)
1839105682 ( electronic book)
9781839105678 ( cased)
Materia Entidad:
European Parliament. Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market
Materia Geográfica:
European Union countries.
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Payment Services Directive II., Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021 9781839105678 (OCoLC)1251506646


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