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The School of good manners....
The School of good manners. : Composed for the help of parents in teaching their children how to carry it in their places during their minority
Printed and sold by John Boyle in Marlborough-Street. 1775
Electronic books Alphabet books- Catechisms. Juvenile literature- Prayers.


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The School of good manners. : Composed for the help of parents in teaching their children how to carry it in their places during their minority
Boston : Printed and sold by John Boyle in Marlborough-Street., 1775
Descripción física:
1 online resource (iv, [1], 6-79, [1] pages)
Mención de serie:
Eighteenth century collections online
Nota general:
"The following institutions were compiled (chiefly) by Mr. Eleazar Moody, late a famous school-master in Boston ..."--Page iv. Substantially derived from an English work of the same title written by John Garretson. Cf. Welch
Title vignette
Bristol, B4060
Shipton & Mooney, 42886
Welch, d'A.A. Amer. children's books, 871.5
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
456814696 511105025 722517895 724478502 728438850 734042143 1098444711 1125888798


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