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(With twenty capital copper...
(With twenty capital copper-plates, including the Baron's portrait) A sequel to the adventures of Baron Munchausen, Containing his expedition into Africa. - How he out-does Alexander. - Splits a rock at the Cape of Good Hope. - Wrecked on an island of ice. - Becomes acquainted with the Sphinx, Gog and Magog. - Overcomes above a thousand lions. - Buried in a whirlwind of sand. - Feasts on live bulls and Kava. - Is declared Sovereign of Africa, and builds a bridge from thence to Great-Britain, supported by a single arch. - Battle of his retinue with the famous Don Quixote. Becomes acquainted with the Colossus of Rhodes. - Chase of Wauwau through America. - Meets with a floating island. - Visits the islands in the South Sea. - Becomes acquainted with Omai. - Cuts a canal across the Isthmus of Darien. - Discovers the Alexandrian Library. - Besieges Saringapatam. - Overcomes Tippoo Saib. - Raises the hull of the Royal George ; together with a variety of other very Surprising Adventures. Humbly dedicated to Mr. Bruce, the Abyssinian traveller, As the Baron conceives that it may be of some service to him, previous to his making another expedition into Abyssinia: But if this advice does not delight Mr. Bruce, the Baron is willing to fight him on any terms be pleases
Printed for H.D. Symonds, Pater-Noster Row MDCCXCII. [1792]


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(With twenty capital copper-plates, including the Baron's portrait) A sequel to the adventures of Baron Munchausen, Containing his expedition into Africa. - How he out-does Alexander. - Splits a rock at the Cape of Good Hope. - Wrecked on an island of ice. - Becomes acquainted with the Sphinx, Gog and Magog. - Overcomes above a thousand lions. - Buried in a whirlwind of sand. - Feasts on live bulls and Kava. - Is declared Sovereign of Africa, and builds a bridge from thence to Great-Britain, supported by a single arch. - Battle of his retinue with the famous Don Quixote. Becomes acquainted with the Colossus of Rhodes. - Chase of Wauwau through America. - Meets with a floating island. - Visits the islands in the South Sea. - Becomes acquainted with Omai. - Cuts a canal across the Isthmus of Darien. - Discovers the Alexandrian Library. - Besieges Saringapatam. - Overcomes Tippoo Saib. - Raises the hull of the Royal George ; together with a variety of other very Surprising Adventures. Humbly dedicated to Mr. Bruce, the Abyssinian traveller, As the Baron conceives that it may be of some service to him, previous to his making another expedition into Abyssinia: But if this advice does not delight Mr. Bruce, the Baron is willing to fight him on any terms be pleases
London : Printed for H.D. Symonds, Pater-Noster Row ; And J. Owen, opposite Bond Street, Piccadilly, MDCCXCII. [1792]
Descripción física:
1 online resource (243, [1] pages, plates) : portrait
English Short Title Catalog, T111651
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
Título preferido:
Baron Munchausen's narrative of his marvellous travels: a continuation


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