Descripción del título

"Valencia accordionist and composer Isabel Latorre and sound artist Edu Comelles met in 2016 working on a third-party project. During that process Comelles recorded some samples of Isabel's instrument. A few months later, before Pauline Oliveros passed away, Comelles commissioned Latorre a concert meant to be a free musical interpretation of Olivero's Deep Listening theories and philosophy. The commission was meant to be premièred at the Enems Festival 2017 curated by Comelles."
musica Rebiun33218703 ss |s||||m||ue 230609s2018 po zz| eng d Crónica 144~2018 Crónica FJM C00312327c-9 FJM For Pauline Isabel Latorre, Edu Comelles. [Oporto] Crónica [2018] [Oporto] [Oporto] Crónica 1 casete 10 x 7 cm 1 casete Música Interpretada [rdacontent audio [rdamedia audiocasete [rdacarrier analógico magnético estéreo Cara A: Isabel Latorre Plays Pauline Oliveros (Live recording 27.05.2017) / Isabel Latorre -- Cara B: La isla plana / Edu Comelles Diseño: Paula Felipe; Masterización: Miguel Carvalhais. Isabel Latorre, acordeón; Edu Comelles, electrónica. Cara A: grabación en directo en el festival Ensems 2017 (Valencia). Cara B: compuesto y arreglado por Edu Comelles, usando una Shruti Box y samples del acordeón interpretado por Isabel Latorre, en 2017. "Valencia accordionist and composer Isabel Latorre and sound artist Edu Comelles met in 2016 working on a third-party project. During that process Comelles recorded some samples of Isabel's instrument. A few months later, before Pauline Oliveros passed away, Comelles commissioned Latorre a concert meant to be a free musical interpretation of Olivero's Deep Listening theories and philosophy. The commission was meant to be premièred at the Enems Festival 2017 curated by Comelles." Grabaciones sonoras Grabaciones sonoras en directo Música experimental. Música experimental electrónica. Comelles, Edu 1984-) compositor. Latorre, Isabel intérprete compositora.