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AWS re:Invent 2018 : Ross B...
AWS re:Invent 2018 : Ross Brawn from Formula 1 Shares how Machine Learning is Transforming Racing
Youtube 2021
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AWS re:Invent 2018 : Ross Brawn from Formula 1 Shares how Machine Learning is Transforming Racing / Jose Esteves
California : Youtube, 2021
Descripción física:
1 recurso online (1 video (10 min. : 06 seg.)) : sonido, color
Nota general:
Learn more about Amazon SageMaker at - 1 is using AWS machine-learning and data-analytics services to change the way racing fans interact with the sport, predict car performance, and bring better information to fans. The FIA Formula 1 World Championship is one of the premier forms of racing around the world, with 21 races across 5 continents and more than half a billion fans. By using Amazon SageMaker, Formula 1 can take the 1.1 million telemetry data points collected each second by the 120 sensors placed on each car and turn that data into meaningful insights about the car performance, helping improve the sport for drivers, teams, and fans. Ross Brawn, Managing Director of Motorsports at Formula 1, spoke at re:Invent 2018
Esteves, Jose

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