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cover American reformers / edited...
American reformers

This book brings together informative biographies of 600 men and women who were the principal architects of reform in America from the seventeenth century to modern times



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American reformers / edited by H.W. Wilson
2nd ed
Ipswich, Massachusetts : H.W. Wilson Company, a division of EBSCO Information Services, Incorporated ; Amenia, New York : Grey House Publishing, 2017
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xix, 958 pages) : portraits
Mención de serie:
Gale eBooks
Nota general:
"First edition edited by Alden Whitman."
Includes bibliographical references
Grace Abbott -- Rodolfo "Rudy" Acu�na -- Jane Addams -- Felix Adler -- Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz -- (Amos) Bronson Alcott -- William Andrus Alcott -- Saul David Alinsky -- Richard Allen -- John Peter Altgeld -- Oscar Ameringer -- Jessie David Ames -- Elizabeth Preston Anderson -- Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews -- John Bertram Andrews -- Stephen Pearl Andrews -- Mathilde Franziska Giesler Annexe -- Susan Brownell Anthony -- Gloria Evangelina Anzald�ua -- Samuel Chapman Armstrong -- Edward Atkinson -- Rachel G. Foster Avery -- Albion Fellows Bacon -- Sarah George Bagley -- Ray Stannard Baker -- Sara Josephine Baker -- Emily Greene Balch -- James Arthur Baldwin -- Roger Nash Baldwin -- Adin Ballou -- Wharton Barker -- Kate Barnard -- Gertrude Barnum -- Janie Porter Barrett -- Samuel June Barrows -- Leonora Marie Kearney Barry -- Clarissa (Clara) Harlowe Barton -- Mary Ritter Beard -- Catharine Esther Beecher -- Henry Ward Beecher -- Isabella Beecher -- Lyman Beecher -- Edward Bellamy -- Dorothy Jacobs Bellanca -- Alva Erskine Smith Van-Derbilt Belmont -- Victor Louis Berger -- Mary Jane Mcleod Bethune -- John Bigelow -- James Gillespie Birney -- James Black -- Alice Stone Blackwell -- Antoinette Louisa Brown Blackwell -- Elizabeth Blackwell -- Emily Blackwell -- Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch -- William Dwight Porter Bliss -- Amelia Jenks Bloomer -- Ella Reeve Ware Cohen Omholt Bloor (Mother Bloor) -- Inez Milholland Boissevain -- Edward William Bok -- Charles Joseph Bonaparte -- Mary Lucinda Bonney -- Gertrude Simmons Bonnin -- Maud Elizabeth Charles-Worth Ballington Booth -- Henry Ingersoll Bowditch -- Charles Loring Brace -- Myra Colby Bradwell -- Louis Dembitz Brandeis -- William J. Bratton -- Madeline Mcdowell Breckinridge -- Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge -- Margaret Brent -- Cyril Briggs -- Lloyd Vernon Briggs -- Albert Brisbane -- Matthew Heywood Campbell Broun -- Antoinette Louisa Brown -- John Brown -- Martha Mcclellan Brown -- Olympia Brown -- Orestes Augustus Brownson -- William Jennings Bryan -- Patrick "Pat" Joseph Buchanan -- Frank Burkitt -- Elihu Burritt -- �Etienne Cabet -- Richard Clarke Cabot -- Helen Stuart Campbell -- Edward Ward Carmack -- Stokely Carmichael -- Matilda Bradley Carse -- Rachel Louise Carson -- George Washington Carver -- Carrie Clinton Lane Chapman Catt -- Elizabeth Buffum Chace -- Lucinda Banister Chandler -- William Ellery Channing -- Maria Weston Chapman -- C�esar Estrada Ch�avez -- Ednah Dow Littlehale Cheney -- David Lee Child -- Lydia Maria Francis Child -- Richard Spencer Childs -- Victoria Claflin and Tennessee Celeste Claflin -- Cassius Marcellus Clay -- Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) -- Ta-Nehisi Coates -- Levi Coffin -- Stanton Coit -- Clara Dorothy Bewick Colby -- Ellen Collins -- Julia Colman -- Katharine Coman -- John Rogers Commons -- Anthony Comstock -- Victor Considerant -- Harriet Arnot Maxwell Converse -- Jacob Sechler Coxey -- Prudence Crandall -- Caroline Julia Bartlett Crane -- David Goodman Croly -- Jane Cunningham ("Jennie June") Croly -- Herbert David Croly -- Ernest Howard Crosby -- Howard Crosby -- Patrisse Cullors -- Kate Richards O'Hare Cunningham -- George William Curtis -- Caroline Wells Healey Dall -- Richard Henry Dana, Jr. -- Richard Henry Dana, 3rd -- Clarence Seward Darrow -- Andrew Jackson Davis -- Angela Davis -- Katharine Bement Davis -- Paulina Kellogg Wright Davis -- Dorothy Day -- Eugene Victor Debs -- Voltairine De Cleyre -- Martin Robison Delany -- Daniel De Leon -- William Jennings Demorest -- Mary Coffin Ware Dennett -- Vine Victor Deloria, Jr. -- John Dewey -- Melvil Dewey -- Anna Elizabeth Dickinson -- Annie Leporte Diggs -- Samuel Warren Dike -- Major Divine (Father) -- Dorothea Lynde Dix -- James C. Dobson -- David Low Dodge -- Ignatius Donnelly -- Thomas Wilson Dorr -- Frank Doster -- Frederick Douglass -- Sarah Mapps Douglass Douglass -- Neal Dow -- William Edward Burghardt Du Bois -- Abigail Jane Scott Duniway -- Crystal Eastman -- Max Forrester Eastman -- Mary Morse Baker Glover Patterson Eddy -- Thomas Eddy -- John Lovejoy Elliott -- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Sarah Elizabeth Van De Vort Emery -- Elizabeth Gardiner Glen-Dower Evans -- George Henry Evans -- Jerry Falwell, Sr. -- Eliza Wood Burhans Farnham -- Rebecca Ann Latimer Felton -- David Dudley Field -- Edward Albert Filene -- Charles Grandison Finney -- John Fitzpatrick -- Alice Cunningham Fletcher -- Abrahm Flexner -- Benjamin Orange Flower -- Elizabeth Gurley Flynn -- Charles Follen -- Martin A. Foran -- Patrick Ford -- Charlotte Forten -- James Forten -- Timothy Thomas Fortune -- Abby (Abigail) Kelley Foster -- William Zebulon Foster -- Lydia Folger Fowler -- Orson Squire Fowler -- Felix Frankfurter -- Lynn Joseph Frazier -- Betty Friedan -- Milton Friedman -- (Sarah) Margaret Fuller -- Isaac Kauffman Funk -- Andrew Furuseth -- Frances Dana Barker Gage -- Matilda Joslyn Gage -- Joseph Gales -- Helen Hamilton Gardener -- Henry Highland Garnet -- William Lloyd Garrison -- Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr. -- Alicia Garza -- Ernest Berry Gaston -- Henry George -- Abigail Hopper Gibbons -- Linda Gilbert -- Mabel Edna Gillespie -- Charlotte Anna Perkins Stetson Gilman -- Edwin Lawrence Godkin -- Parke Godwin -- Emma Goldman -- Barry Morris Goldwater -- Samuel Gompers -- Anna Adams Gordon -- Isabella Marshall Graham -- Sylvester Graham -- Rebecca Gratz -- Horace Greeley -- Frances Harriet Whipple Green -- Isaac Newton Gresham -- Josephine Sophia White Griffing -- Goldsborough Sappington Griffith -- Charlotte Forten Grimk�e -- Sarah Moore Grimk�e -- Angelina Emily Grimk�e -- Laurence Gronlund -- Luther Halsey Gulick, Jr. -- Jos�e Angel Guti�arrez -- Emanuel Haldeman-Julius -- Edward Everett Hale -- Emma Amelia Hall -- Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer -- Alice Hamilton -- Hutchins Hapgood -- Norman Hapgood -- John Marshall Harlan -- Ida A. Husted Harper -- Thomas Lake Harris -- Hubert Henry Harrison -- Hastings Hornell Hart -- William Hope Harvey -- Lydia Sayer Hasbrouck -- Ella Knowles Haskell -- John Henry Willis Hawkins -- Mary Garrett Hay -- Tom Hayden -- Arthur Garfield Hays -- William Dudley ("Big Bill") Haywood -- Thomas Hazard -- Hinton Rowan Helper -- Alice Henry -- Josephine Frey Herbst -- Caroline Maria Hewins -- Angela Fiducia Tilton Heywood -- Ezra Hervey Heywood -- Elias Hicks -- Thomas Wentworth Storrow Higginson -- Joe Hill -- Patty Smith Hill -- Morris Hillquit -- Jessie Donaldson Hodder -- Josiah Holbrook -- Isabella Beecher Hooker -- Harry Lloyd Hopkins -- Isaac Tatem Hopper -- Eugenio Maria De Hostos -- Milford Wriarson Howard -- Frederic Clemson Howe -- Julia Ward Howe -- Samuel Gridley Howe -- William Dean Howells -- Dolores Huerta -- Harriot Kezia Hunt -- Grace Hutchins -- Anne Marbury Hutchinson -- Robert Green Ingersoll -- Martin Irons -- William Mills Ivins -- Gardner (Pat) Jackson -- Helen Maria Fiske Hunt Jackson -- Jesse Jackson -- William Jay -- Thomas Jefferson -- Ellen Cheney Johnson -- Magnus Johnson -- Tom Loftin Johnson -- Mary Harris Jones ("Mother Jones") -- George Washington Julian -- Mary Morton Kimball Kehew -- Florence Kelley -- Oliver Hudson Kelley -- Edward Kellogg -- John Harvey Kellogg -- Paul Underwood Kellogg -- Florence Finch Kelly -- Dan King -- Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Naomi Klein -- Abner Kneeland -- Larry Kramer --
William Ladd -- Robert Marion La Follette -- Harry W(ellington) Laidler -- William Langer -- Julia Clifford Lathrop -- Lewis Edward Lawes -- Benjamin Lay -- Mary Elizabeth Clyens Lease -- Joshua Leavitt -- Ann Lee -- William Frederick Lemke -- Benjamin Barr Lindsey -- Leonard Leo -- Mary Ashton Rice Livermore -- Henry Demarest Lloyd -- Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood -- George Sperry Loftus -- Jack London -- Meyer London -- Huey Pierce Long -- Henry Langford Loucks -- Elijah Parish Lovejoy -- Josephine Shaw Lowell -- Clemence Sophia Harned Lozier -- Benjamin Lundy -- Seth Luther -- Mary Lyon -- Elizabeth "Betita" Martinez -- Alfred Watterson McCann -- Charles McCarthy -- Samuel Sidney McClure -- Frances Harriet Whipple Green McDougall -- Mary Eliza McDowell -- Edward McGlynn -- Stephen McLallin -- William Maclure -- George Edwin McNeill -- Charles William Macune -- Malcolm X -- Horace Mann -- Vito Anthony Marcantonio -- Herbert Marcuse -- Helen Marot -- John Marsh -- Sarah Towne Smith Martyn -- Emma Jacobina Christina Marwedel -- Lewis Masquerier -- Peter Aristide Maurin -- Samuel Joseph May -- DeRay Mckesson -- Russell Charles Means -- Christian Metz -- Harvey Milk -- Elizabeth Smith Miller -- John Purroy Mitchel -- Robert Moses -- Johann Joseph Most -- Lucretia Coffin Mott -- Ellen Spencer Mussey -- Abraham Johannes Muste -- Ralph Nader -- Thomas Nast -- Carry Amelia Moore Gloyd Nation -- Huey Percy Newton -- Clarina Irene Howard Nichols -- Mary Sargeant Neal Gove Nichols -- George William Norris -- John Humphrey Noyes -- Thomas Lewis Nugent -- Gerald Prentice Nye -- Kate Richards O'Hare -- Fremont Older -- Floyd Bjerstjerne Olson -- Leonora O'Reilly -- Charles Osborn -- Thomas Mott Osborne -- Mary Kenney O'Sullivan -- Robert Owen -- Elizabeth Parsons Ware Packard -- Thomas Paine -- Elihu Palmer -- Theodore Parker -- Charles Henry Parkhurst -- Albert Richard Parsons -- Elsie Worthington Clews Parson -- Alice Paul -- Elizabeth Palmer Peabody -- William Penn -- Frances Perkins -- Wendell Phillips -- Parker Pillsbury -- Amos Richards Eno Pinchot -- Gifford Pinchot -- Hazen Stuart Pingree -- Leonidas Lafayette Polk -- Louis Freeland Post -- Terence Vincent Powderly -- Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. -- Elizabeth Preston Anderson -- Joseph Priestley -- Josiah Quincy -- Amelia Stone Quinton -- Jorge Gilberto Ramos �Avalos -- Mary Lucinda Bonney Rambaut -- Asa Philip Randolph -- Jeannette Pickering Rankin -- Robert Rantoul, Jr. -- Walter Rauschenbusch -- James Redpath -- John Silas Reed -- Agnes Gertrude Regan -- Sarah Parker Remond -- Milo Reno -- Jacob August Riis -- George Ripley -- Sophia Willard Dana Ripley -- Sylvia Rivera -- Margaret Dreier Robins -- Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson -- Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Roosevelt -- Theodore Roosevelt -- Ernestine Louise Siismondi Potowski Rose -- William Marshall Fitts Round -- Edward Ross Roybal -- Benjamin Rush -- Charles Edward Russell -- Howard Hyde Russell -- John Augustine Ryan -- Franklin Benjamin Sanborn -- Elizabeth Elkins Sanders -- Margaret Louise Higgins Sanger -- Mario Savio -- Solomon Schindler -- Phyllis McAlpin Schlafly -- Rose Schneiderman -- Hannah Kent Schoff -- Carl Schurz -- Rosika Schwimmer -- Vida Scudder -- Caroline Maria Seymour Severance -- Al Sharpton -- Anna Howard Shaw -- Daniel Shays -- Mary Kingsbury Simkhovitch -- Jeremiah (Jerry) Simpson -- Upton Beall Sinclair, Jr. -- Thomas Skidmore -- Abby Hadassah Smith -- Julia Evelina Smith -- Gerrit Smith -- Hannah Whitall Smith -- Joel Elias Spingarn -- Lysander Spooner -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton -- Joseph Lincoln Steffens -- Gloria Steinem -- Uriah Smith Stephens -- Alzina Ann Parsons Stevens -- Lillian Marion Norton Ames Stevens -- Thaddeus Stevens -- Ira Steward -- Alvan Stewart -- Eliza Daniel Coover Stewart -- Gustav Stickley -- William Still -- Cora Frances Stoddard -- Isaac Newton Phelps Stokes -- Rose Harriet Pastor Stokes -- Lucy Stone -- Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe -- Charles Sumner -- Eliza Jane Read Sunderland -- John Swinton -- Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm -- William H. Sylvis -- Arthur Tappan -- Lewis Tappan -- Ida Minerva Tarbell -- John Lloyd Thomas -- Martha Carey Thomas -- Norman Mattoon Thomas -- Henry David Thoreau -- Thomas Henry Tibbles -- Marion Marsh Todd -- William Howe Tolman -- Opal Tometi -- Albion Winegar Tourg�ee -- Arthur Charles Townley -- Francis Everett Townsend -- Augusta Lewis Troup -- Benjamin Franklin Trueblood -- Sojourner (Isabella Van Wagener) Truth -- Harriet Tubman -- Benjamin Ricketson Tucker -- Harriet Taylor Upton -- William Simon U'ren -- Marie Louise Van Vorst -- Jose Antonio Vargas -- Thorstein Bunde Veblen -- William C. Vel�asquez -- Fanny Garrison Villard -- Oswald Garrison Villard -- Henry Vincent -- Mary Marvin Heaton Vorse -- Lillian D. Wald -- Mary Edwards Walker -- Zerelda Gray Sanders Wallace -- William English Walling -- Lester Frank Ward -- Earl Warren -- Josiah Warren -- Booker T. (Aliaferro) Washington -- Thomas Edward Watson -- Julius Augustus Wayland -- Noah Webster -- Theodore Dwight Weld -- Ida Bell Wells-Barnett -- Wayne Bidwell Wheeler -- Henry Benjamin Whipple -- Alfred Tredway White -- Ellen Gould Harmon White -- Walt Whitman -- John Greenleaf Whittier -- Harvey Washington Wiley -- Roy Wilkins -- Jemima Wilkinson -- Emma Hart Willard -- Frances Elizabeth Caroline Willard -- Aubrey Willis Williams -- Elizabeth Sprague Williams -- Roger Williams -- Henry Gaylord Wilshire -- Isaac Mayer Wise -- Edith Elmer Wood -- Victoria Claflin Woodhull -- Tennessee Celeste Claflin -- John Granville Woolley -- John Woolman -- Abby Howland & J.S. & Georgeanne Woolsey -- Jane Stuart Woolsey -- Georgeanna Muirson Woolsey Bacon -- Noah Worcester -- Elizur Wright -- Frances Wright -- Henry Clarke Wright -- Whitney Moore Young, Jr. -- Marie Elizabeth Zakrzewska -- John Peter Zenger
Materia Geográfica:
Estados Unidos- Biography- Dictionaries
H.W. Wilson Company, editor
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