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cover A Grammar of Tukang Besi
A Grammar of Tukang Besi
De Gruyter Mouton 1999


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A Grammar of Tukang Besi
Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 1999
Descripción física:
1 online resource (604 pages)
Mención de serie:
Mouton Grammar Library [MGL] ; v. 20
Nota general:
11.5 Causative-applicative combinations
Acknowledgements; Conventions; Table of Contents; List of maps, figures and tables; Plates; Map 1: The Tukang Besi islands in Indonesia; Map 2: Wanci; Map 3: The Tukang Besi islands; 1. Introduction; 1.1 Setting; 1.2 The region; 1.3 The language; 1.4 Sources for this study; 1.5 Data-gathering procedures; 2. Phonology and morphophonology; 2.1 The phonemes; 2.2 Extra-phonemic issues; 2.3 Syllable level processes; 2.4 Variable phonetic processes; 2.5 Processes involving nasals; 2.6 Orthographic issues; 3. Syntactic units and the clause; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Categories and terms
3.3 Guide to Tukang Besi grammatical forms3.4 Verbal clauses; 3.5 Non-verbal clauses; 3.6 Other clause types; 3.7 Pragmatically determined variations in clause structure; 3.8 Articles and case marking; 3.9 A short note on interclausal relations; 3.10 The status and structure of phrases in the clause; 3.11 The layers of the clause: core and oblique arguments; 3.12 Summary; 4. Word classes; 4.1 The term 'word'; 4.2 Word classes and the problem of overlap; 4.3 Open word classes; 4.4 Nouns; 4.5 Verbs and adjectives; 4.6 Closed word classes
4.7 A note on 'derivational' and 'inflectional' categories5. Pronouns; 5.1 Personal pronouns; 5.2 Use of the free forms; 5.3 Affixed pronominal forms; 5.4 Subject prefixes; 5.5 Possessive suffixes; 5.6 Scope of possessive antecedency; 5.7 Object agreement; 5.8 Dative object agreement; 6. Demonstratives; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Semantic differences: set one; 6.3 Semantic differences: set two; 6.4 Use of the different demonstrative forms; 6.5 Use of the demonstratives; 6.6 The use of the demonstratives in discourse tracking; 7. Verb phrases; 7.1 Verb phrases; 7.2 Subject prefixes
7.3 Subject infix -[um]-7.4 Possessive marking on adjectives; 7.5 Irregularities in subject marking; 7.6 Object suffixes; 7.7 External possession; 7.8 Object incorporation; 7.9 Aspect and auxiliaries; 7.10 Adverbs; 8. Serial verb constructions; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Non-contiguous serialisation; 8.3 Contiguous serialisaton; 8.4 Summary of morphosyntactic differences; 8.5 Serial verbs and other grammatical categories; 9. Causative morphology; 9.1 Causative mophology: introduction; 9.2 Factitive hoko-; 9.3 Causative pa-; 9.4 Requestive hepe-; 9.5 Causatives: combinations
9.6 Causatives and ditransitive verbs9.7 Causatives: summary; 10. Applicative morphology; 10.1 Applicatives: Introduction; 10.2 Comitative applicative suffix -ngkene; 10.3 General applicative suffix -ako; 10.4 Locative applicative 'suffix complex' -(VC)i; 10.5 Double applicatives; 10.6 Applicatives and ditransitive verbs; 10.7 Applicatives: summary; 10.8 Combining properties and the question of symmetry or asymmetry; 11. Other verbal morphology; 11.1 Valency reducing affixes; 11.2 Passive prefixes; 11.3 Valency-neutral prefixes; 11.4 Valency-announcing prefixes
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
607447909 649862221
9783110805543 ( electronic bk.)
3110805545 ( electronic bk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Donohue, Mark. A Grammar of Tukang Besi., Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 1999 9783110161885
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Mouton Grammar Library MGL

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