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cover Advanced solutions in diagn...
Advanced solutions in diagnostics and fault tolerant control

This book highlights the latest achievements concerning the theory, methods and practice of fault diagnostics, fault tolerant systems and cyber safety. When considering the diagnostics of industrial processes and systems, increasingly important safety issues cannot be ignored. In this context, diagnostics plays a crucial role as a primary measure of the improvement of the overall system safety integrity level. Obtaining the desired diagnostic coverage or providing an appropriate level of inviolability of the integrity of a system is now practically inconceivable without the use of fault detection and isolation methods. Given the breadth and depth of its coverage, the book will be of interest to researchers faced with the challenge of designing technical and medical diagnosis systems, as well as junior researchers and students in the fields of automatic control, robotics, computer science and artificial intelligence

Congress proceedings (reports) Conference papers and proceedings. Conference papers and proceedings. Actes de congrès.


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Advanced solutions in diagnostics and fault tolerant control / edited by Jan M. Koscielny, Micha Syfert, Anna Sztyber
Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint : Springer, 2017
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xii, 472 pages : 253 illustrations)
Mención de serie:
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2194-5357 ; 635
Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control of Critical Infrastructures -- Cascade Reconfiguration Structures in Fault Tolerant Control -- Constraint Programming for Constructive Abduction. A Case Study in Diagnostic Model-Based Reasoning -- Detection of Periodic Components from Seasonal Time Series with Moving Trend Method and Low Pass Filtering, Duda Jan Tadeusz -- River Flow Simulation Based on the HEC-RAS System -- The Idea of On-line Diagnostics as a Method of Cyberattack Recognition
Restricciones de acceso:
Legal Deposit ; Only available on premises controlled by the deposit library and to one user at any one time ; The Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations (UK). WlAbNL
Condiciones de uso y reproducción:
Restricted: Printing from this resource is governed by The Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations (UK) and UK copyright law currently in force. WlAbNL
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
997432682 999440108 999705056 1002016935 1002204303 1004391892 1005135967 1038774763 1059245755 1076725229 1081265258 1086450812 1113448108 1275073573
9783319644745 ( electronic bk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Printed edition: 9783319644738
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Advances in intelligent systems and computing ; 635. 2194-5357


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