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cover Introduction and notes for ...
Introduction and notes for "Nubes Ignorandi", the Latin version of "The Cloud of Unknowing" in Bodleian Library, Oxford, ms. Bodley 856 / : a revised list / by Anselm J. Gribbin, O. Praem. A Vauvert Liturgical Manuscript on sale in Paris. Recommended reading / by James Hogg
Universität Salzburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 2009


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Introduction and notes for "Nubes Ignorandi", the Latin version of "The Cloud of Unknowing" in Bodleian Library, Oxford, ms. Bodley 856 / by John Clark. Walter Hilton''s "Mixed Life", further sources / by John Clark. The Re-Burial of the Remains of Fr. Augustine Baker, O.S.B. (1575-1641) / by John Clark. Cartusia / by James Hogg. The works of Jan van Blitterswyck, O.Cart. : a revised list / by Anselm J. Gribbin, O. Praem. A Vauvert Liturgical Manuscript on sale in Paris. Recommended reading / by James Hogg
Salzburg : Universität Salzburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2009
Descripción física:
101 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Mención de serie:
Analecta Cartusiana ; 278
Materia Nombre:
Materia Entidad:
Cartujos- Misceláneas
Materia Título preferido:
La nube del no saber.
Cloud of unknowing.


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