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Falcon's desire / Denise Lynn
Falcon's desire
Mills & Boon 2007

Emboldened by grief, she had ensnared the infamous Rhys, Lord of Faucon. Now, imprisoned in her castle, Faucon posed an even greater threat - not to her defences, but to her heart. The Devil Faucon, they called him. A reputation Rhys fostered to keep his enemies at bay. And it seemed that Lyonesse counted herself as an enemy, furiously denying the sensual pull that drew them together. They established an uneasy truce. But would that be destroyed when she learned a new-found alliance bound her to him as this bride

Large type books Historical fiction. Romance fiction. Love stories. Historical fiction. Romance fiction.


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Falcon's desire / Denise Lynn
Large print ed
Richmond : Mills & Boon, 2007
Descripción física:
1 online resource (pages cm).
Mención de serie:
Historical romance
Nota general:
Originally published: 2006
0263193845 ( hbk.)
9780263193848 ( hbk.)
Materia Geográfica:
Gran Bretaña- History- 1066-1154, Norman period- Fiction.
Inglaterra Fiction.
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Historical romance

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