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Architettura sostenible : processo costruttivo e criteri biocompatibili
Skira 2006

This volume is devoted to sustainable architecture that is based on bio-compatible criteria, it offers an important contribution on the need to redirect emphasis to the relationship between building construction processes and building quality: seeking the optimal balance between production costs, the protection of resources and the quality of both natural and man-made environments. The fundamental objective is to contribute to research into a development system in the construction sector that can lead over time to the creation of settlements based on a design of buildings and urban spaces that is consciously capable of managing exhaustible energy resources; exploiting energy available from renewable and cost-free resources to the full and, at the same time, improving the level of environmental well-being for the individual.Over the last decades, the introduction of regulations regarding the reduction of consumption and the rationalisation of energy costs in buildings, as well as the revision of such regulations following current European decrees, provides a hopeful premise for an effective change of approach in the design of future buildings and the management of those already in existence, which are in actual fact quantitively more substantial. These are the ideas that are extensively examined in the first part of this volume, in four essays written by authoritative experts: Thomas Herzog a world famous architect, Brian Ford, head of the Faculty of Architecture at Notthingham University (Great Britain), Mario Cucinella, a leading architect on the Italian and international scene and Paolo Rava, a founding member of the National Association for Bioecological Architecture ANAB. These are architects who have, for years, based their philosophy and professional activity on issues of sustainability and they contribute to the improvement of state of the art practices on a daily basis. The second part of the book contains projects selected from the "Premio Internazionale Architettura Sostenibile", a prize conceived and promoted by Fassa Bortolo agency and by the Architecture faculty of Ferrara University, now at its third edition. The projects are grouped according to their functional typology, so as to offer the most effective interpretation and allow readers to navigate with ease within their specific field of interest ; descriptions have been elaborated by the editor on the basis of the illustrative reports and technical dossiers provided on each project. A brief text introduces this second part of the volume, schematically summarising the principles behind sustainable construction processes, though in no way does it claim to be exhaustive. The third part of the book deals more specifically with the "Premio Internazionale Architettura Sostenibile". The winning projects and the jury's decisions are presented as well as brief descriptive dossiers on the projects that participated in the first three editions

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Architettura sostenible : processo costruttivo e criteri biocompatibili / a cura du Gianluca Minguzzi
Genève : Skira, 2006
Descripción física:
192 p. : il. ; 29 cm
Textos en italiano e inglés

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