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monografia Rebiun04994904 000303r19641876xx 00000 und d ULL0145211 ULL 871-1 Beda el Benerable, Santo 5.03=20 802.0-02 BE Domes daege : an old English version of the latin poem ascribed to Bede edited (with other short poems) from the unique Ms. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by J. Rawson Lumby 1st pub., reprinted London [etc.] Oxford University Press 1876 (1964 imp.). London [etc.] London [etc.] Oxford University Press 87 p. 22 cm 87 p. Early English Text Society. Original series 65 Versiones en inglés medieval y moderno. - Índice. Beda el Venerable Santo 673-735) Lumby, J. Rawson