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Beyond boundaries [language and identity in contemporary Europe
Multilingual Matters c2002


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Beyond boundaries [ Recurso electrónico] : language and identity in contemporary Europe / edited by Paul Gubbins and Mike Holt
Clevedon ; Buffalo : Multilingual Matters, c2002
Descripción física:
vi, 162 p. : il
Mención de serie:
EBSCO Academic eBook Collection Complete
Multilingual matters series ; 122
Incluye referencias bibliográficas
Language, nationalism and globalism : educational consequences of changing patterns of language use / Stephen Barbour -- Who we are and where we're going : language and identities in the new Europe / Jenny Cheshire -- The lexicon in European languages today : unification or diversification? / Richard Trim -- Lost in translation : EU language policy in an expanded Europe / Paul Gubbins -- Identity in transition : cultural memory, language and symbolic Russianness / Harald Haarmann -- Transformation of the state in Western Europe : regionalism in Catalonia and Northern Italy / Brendan Murphy, Cristina Diaz-Varela and Salvatore Coluccello -- Fixing national borders : language and loyalty in Nice / Sue Wright -- The French language, universalism and post-colonial identity / Mike Holt -- 'It's a culture thing' : children, language and 'boundary' in the bicultural family / Michael Anderson -- Language use and identity among African-Caribbean young people in Sheffield / Lerleen Willis -- Punjabi/Urdu in Sheffield : language maintenance and loss and development of a mixed code / Mike Reynolds
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