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cover Developing Multi-Database M...
Developing Multi-Database Mining Applications
Springer London 2010

Multi-database mining is recognized as an important and strategic area of research in data mining. The authors discuss the essential issues relating to the systematic and efficient development of multi-database mining applications, and present approaches to the development of data warehouses at different branches, demonstrating how carefully selected multi-database mining techniques contribute to successful real-world applications. In showing and quantifying how the efficiency of a multi-database mining application can be improved by processing more patterns, the book also covers other essential design aspects. These are carefully investigated and include a determination of an appropriate multi-database mining model, how to select relevant databases, choosing an appropriate pattern synthesizing technique, representing pattern space, and constructing an efficient algorithm. The authors illustrate each of these development issues either in the context of a specific problem at hand, or via some general settings. Developing Multi-Database Mining Applications will be welcomed by practitioners, researchers and students working in the area of data mining and knowledge discovery


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Developing Multi-Database Mining Applications [ Recurso electrónico-En línea] / by Animesh Adhikari, Pralhad Ramachandrarao, Witold Pedrycz
London : Springer London : Imprint: Springer, 2010
Descripción física:
X, 130p. : digital
Tipo Audiovisual:
Computer science
Data mining
Computer Science
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)
Mención de serie:
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 1610-3947
Documento fuente:
Springer eBooks
Nota general:
Computer Science (Springer-11645)
Introduction -- An Extended Model of Local Pattern Analysis -- Mining Multiple Large Databases -- Mining Patterns of Select Items in Multiple Databases -- Enhancing Quality of Knowledge Synthesized from Multi-database Mining -- Efficient Clustering of Databases Induced by Local Patterns -- A Framework for Developing Effective Multi-database Mining Applications
Restricciones de acceso:
Accesible sólo para usuarios de la UPV
Tipo recurso electrónico:
Recurso a texto completo
Detalles del sistema:
Forma de acceso: Web
9781849960441 978-1-84996-044-1
SpringerLink (Servicio en línea)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Printed edition: 9781849960434
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 1610-3947

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