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monografia Rebiun08362490 901119s1990 gw 000 0 eng d 3110120879 UOV0157091 CBUC 991001854629706706 ES-OvBU. spa 32(430.1) 061.1(430.1) German institutions designations, abbreviations, acronyms compiled by the Language Services Division of the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany Berlin [etc.] Walter de Gruyter 1990 Berlin [etc.] Berlin [etc.] Walter de Gruyter VIII, 119 p. ; 23 cm VIII, 119 p. ; 23 cm Terminological series / Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany 3 Titulos y menciones de responsabilidad paralelas en aleman, frances y español Instituciones políticas- Alemania (República Federal) Deutschland (Bundesrepublik). Auswärtiges Amts Sprachendienst comp Instituciones alemanas denominaciones, abreviaturas y acrónimos Terminological series (Deutschland (Bundesrepublik). Ausärtiges Amts Sprachendienst) 3