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cover Achieving dynamism in an an...
Achieving dynamism in an anaemic Europe
Springer cop. 2015.

This book explores the reasons behind Europe's poor performance in terms of overall growth and its progressively diminishing role in the global context. Recognizing that the big challenge is to restore confidence and hope in Europe, potential solutions are discussed. The volume comprises a selection of contributions to the XXVI Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar (Rome, 2014), the most recent of a series of seminars that have provided outstanding scholars with an opportunity to discuss key topics in economic research.

Congresos F063.

Recurso Electrónico

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Achieving dynamism in an anaemic Europe [ Recurso electrónico] / edited by Luigi Paganetto.
Cham : Springer, cop. 2015.
Descripción física:
v. digital (VI, 302 p.) : 89 il.
978-3-319-14098-8 ( Print)
978-3-319-14099-5 ( On line)

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