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cover Advances in assymetric auto...
Advances in assymetric autocatalysis and related topics
Elsevier Academic Press 2017.

Advances in Asymmetric Autocatalysis and Related Topics provides various viewpoints on the important developments in asymmetric autocatalysis that have occurred in the past few years, also including brand new information in the field. Asymmetric autocatalysis is a chemical reaction which leads from achiral starting materials to chiral products, and in which the product accelerates its own formation reaction (conventional catalysis) and promotes the prevalence of its own chiral configuration (asymmetric induction). The combination of these two effects in the same reaction was unprecedented before 1995 when it was first described by Kenso SOAI at the Tokyo University of Science. Since then, several new combinations of this effect have been found, most intriguingly the possibility of absolute asymmetric synthesis, which is the spontaneous formation of the excess of one of the enantiomers of the product, a dream of organic chemists for more than a century. The book contains expert-contributed chapters that describe the most exciting recent developments in the field of the Soai reaction and in related topics, ranging from mechanistic studies and theoretical research, to very practical problems in chiral syntheses and products.

Congresos F063.


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Advances in assymetric autocatalysis and related topics [ Recurso electrónico] / edited by Gyula Pályi, Róbert Kurdi and Claudia Zucchi.
[Cambridge, Massachuetts] : Elsevier Academic Press, 2017.
Descripción física:
v. digital (375 p.) : il.
978-0-12-812825-1 ( Online)
0-12-812825-9 ( Online.)
0-12-812824-0 ( Print)
978-0-12-812824-4 (Print)

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