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cover Central Functions of the Gh...
Central Functions of the Ghrelin Receptor

The Ghrelin receptor was identified before its natural ligand ghrelin. This receptor is found both centrally and peripherally, and has been shown to affect various processes, such as food intake, gut motility, memory, glucose and lipid metabolism, cardiovascular performances, reproduction, memory, and immunological responses, amongst others. The functions of the ghrelin receptor in the central nervous system are numerous and are still being explored. In this book we specifically focus on the various roles of the ghrelin receptor in the central nervous system. In a first set of chapters, the book will focus on the discovery and the properties of this intriguing constitutively active G-protein coupled receptor, on its multiple intracellular transduction mechanisms and the various subtypes of the currently known ghrelin receptor complexes. Next, the book will elaborate on the mitochondrial mechanisms regulated by the ghrelin receptor, its role in feeding and drug addictive mechanisms, memory, sleep and arousal. The final chapters focus on the potential of this receptor as a target for the treatment of neurological disorders including Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, anxiety and depression

Medicine Neurosciences Neurochemistry Biomedicine Neurosciences Neurochemistry


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Central Functions of the Ghrelin Receptor [ Recurso electrónico] / edited by Jeanelle Portelli, Ilse Smolders
New York [etc.] : Springer
Descripción física:
XVII, 214 p. 12 il., 7 il. en color
Mención de serie:
The Receptors ; 25
Constitutive activity of the ghrelin receptor -- Homodimerization and heterodimerization of the ghrelin receptor -- The role of the ghrelin receptor in appetite and energy metabolism -- The vagus nerve and ghrelin function -- Central Ghrelin Receptors and Food Intake -- Ghrelin receptors a novel target for obesity -- Ghrelin receptor antagonism as a potential therapeutic target for alcohol use disorders: a preclinical perspective -- Clinical Research on the Ghrelin Axis and Alcohol Consumption -- Ghrelin and Sleep Regulation -- Ghrelin and Memory -- Ghrelin receptors and Epilepsy -- Ghrelin plays a role in various physiological and pathophysiological brain functions -- Ghrelin and Parkinson's Disease
Detalles del sistema:
Modo de acceso: Word Wide Web
Modo de acceso: World Wide Web
Fuente de adquisición directa:
Springer (e-Books)
9781493908233 978-1-4939-0823-3
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
The Receptors ; 25


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