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International law and the changing character of war
Naval War College 2011
Electronic books


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International law and the changing character of war / Raul A. "Pete" Pedrozo and Daria P. Wollschlaeger, editors. [ electronic resource]
Newport, R. I. : Naval War College, 2011
Descripción física:
1 online resource (552 p. )
Mención de serie:
International law studies series ; v. 87
Nota general:
Includes bibliographical references and index
Combating terrorists : legal challenges in the Post-9/11 World / Nicholas Rostow -- Mission impossible? international law, and the changing character of war / John F. Murphy -- Cyber attacks as "Force" under UN Charter Article 2(4) / Matthew C. Waxman -- Low-intensity computer network attack and self-defense / Sean Watts -- Cyber operations and the Jus in Bello : key issues / Michael N. Schmitt -- Who may be held? military detention through the Habeas Lens / Robert M. Chesney -- The changing character of the participants in war : civilianization of warfighting and the concept of "direct participation in hostilities" / Charles Garraway -- Direct participation in hostilities and the interoperability of the law of armed conflict and human rights law / Françoise J. Hampson -- Use of unmanned systems to combat terrorism / Raul A. "Pete" Pedrozo -- New technology and the law of armed conflict / Darren M. Stewart -- The law of armed conflict in asymmetric urban armed conflict / David E. Graham -- Lawfare today ... and tomorrow / Charles J. Dunlap, Jr. -- The age of lawfare / Dale Stephens -- Warning civilians prior to attack under international law : theory and practice / Pnina Sharvit Baruch and Noam Neuman -- The changing character of public legal scrutiny of operations / Rob McLaughlin -- Litigating how we fight / Ashley S. Deeks -- Asymmetric warfare : how to respond? / Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg -- Concluding remarks : LOAC and attempts to abuse or subvert it / Yoram Dinstein
Naval War College (U.S.), Content Provider
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
International law studies ; v. 87

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