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African Development Indicators 2004 : Drawn from the World Bank Africa Database
The World Bank 2004

African Development Indicators 2004 provides the most detailed collection of data on Africa available in one volume. It contains more than 500 macroeconomic, sectoral, and social indicators, covering 53 African countries with data from 1970-2002. The book is grouped into 15 chapters: background data; national accounts; prices and exchange rates; money and banking; external sector; external debt and related flows; government finance; agriculture; power, communications, and transportation; public enterprises; labor force and employment; aid flows; social indicators; environmental indicators; and HIPC debt initiative. Each chapter begins with a brief introduction on the nature of the data and their limitations, followed by a set of statistical tables, charts, and technical notes that define the indicators and identify their specific source. Included this year are new tables on HIV/AIDS, Communications and Transportation, and the HIPC Debt Initiative. Designed to provide all those interested in Africa with a focused and convenient set of data to monitor development programs and aid flows in the region, this is an invaluable reference tools for analysts and policymakers who want a better understanding of the economic and social developments occurring in Africa

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African Development Indicators 2004 : Drawn from the World Bank Africa Database
Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2004
Descripción física:
1 online resource (436 pages)
Mención de serie:
Africa Development Indicators
""Contents""; ""Foreword""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Preface""; ""Acronyms and Abbreviations""; ""Introduction""; ""1. Selected Background Data""; ""1-1. Basic indicators""; ""1-2. Population""; ""Technical notes""; ""2. National Accounts""; ""2-1. Gross domestic product, real""; ""2-2. Value added in agriculture""; ""2-3. Value added in industry""; ""2-4. Value added in services""; ""2-5. Gross domestic product, nominal""; ""2-6. Total consumption""; ""2-7. General government consumption""; ""2-8. Gross domestic investment""; ""2-9. Gross public investment""; ""2-10. Gross private investment""
""2-11. Gross domestic savings""""2-12. Gross national savings""; ""2-13. Resource balance""; ""2-14. Exports of goods and nonfactor services, nominal""; ""2-15. Imports of goods and nonfactor services, nominal""; ""2-16. Exports of goods and nonfactor services, real""; ""2-17. Imports of goods and nonfactor services, real""; ""2-18. GDP growth""; ""2-19. Gross National Income (GNI) per capita""; ""2-20. Total consumption per capita""; ""Technical notes""; ""3. Prices and Exchange Rates""; ""3-1. GDP deflator (local currency series)""; ""3-2. GDP deflator (U.S.dollar series)""
""3-3. Consumer price index""""3-4. Official exchange rate""; ""3-5. SDR exchange rate index""; ""3-6. Currency conversion factor""; ""3-7. Parallel market exchange rate""; ""3-8. Ratio of parallel market to official exchange rates""; ""3-9. Real effective exchange rate index""; ""Technical notes""; ""4. Money and Banking""; ""4-1. Domestic credit""; ""4-2. Credit to the private sector""; ""4-3. Credit to the government""; ""4-4. Net foreign assets""; ""4-5. Growth of money supply""; ""4-6. Discount rate""; ""4-7. Real discount rate""; ""4-8. Commercial bank lending rate""
""4-9. Commercial bank deposit rate""""Technical notes""; ""5. External Sector""; ""Balance of Payments""; ""5-1. Merchandise exports, f.o.b.""; ""5-2. Merchandise imports, f.o.b.""; ""5-3. Exports of total services (nonfactor and factor)""; ""5-4. Imports of total services (nonfactor and factor)""; ""5-5. Net private transfers""; ""5-6. Net official current transfers""; ""5-7. Current account balance, excluding net capital grants""; ""5-8. Current account balance, excluding net capital grants/GDP""; ""5-9. Net capital grants""; ""5-10. Net foreign direct investment""
""5-11. Net long-term borrowing""""5-12. Other capital flows""; ""5-13. Use of reserves""; ""5-14. Import coverage ratio of reserves""; ""Prices""; ""5-15. Export unit values""; ""5-16. Import unit values""; ""5-17. Terms of trade""; ""Commodity Trade""; ""5-18. Forest products exports""; ""5-19. Petroleum exports""; ""5-20. Copper exports""; ""5-21. Iron exports""; ""5-22. Phosphates exports""; ""5-23. Cocoa exports""; ""5-24. Coffee exports""; ""5-25. Cotton exports""; ""5-26. Groundnut exports""; ""5-27. Palm oil products exports""; ""5-28. Sisal exports""; ""5-29. Tea exports""
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
813538001 922951624
Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print Version: 9780821357200
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Africa Development Indicators
World Bank e-Library

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