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Health Economics in Development
World Bank ©2004


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Health Economics in Development
Washington, D.C. : World Bank, ©2004
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xviii, 433 pages) : illustrations
Mención de serie:
Health, nutrition, and population series
Includes bibliographical references and index
What is the minimum a doctor should know about health economics? -- Public and private roles in health. -- The rationale for government intervention in the tobacco market. -- Measurement of equity in health. -- What should consumers in poor countries pay for publicly-provided health services? -- Compensatory finance in health: geographic equity in a federal system. -- An ounce of prevention is worth how much cure? -- DALYs and cost-effectiveness analysis. -- Criteria for public spending on health care. -- Cost-effectiveness and the socialization of health care. -- Is the eradication of polio in the western hemisphere economically justified? -- Cost-benefit analysis of a regional vaccination system. -- Cost-effective malaria control in Brazil. -- Do the poor in Brazil pay more for food? -- Do Brazilian nutrition programs make a difference? -- Economic aspects of food fortification. -- Malnutrition and dietary protein. -- Family health care spending in Latin America. -- Basic patterns in national health expenditure. -- Economic crisis and health policy response
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
56119884 232332068 488480903 507217199 531339898 551985188 614561166 630211675 647298219 666915147 821699680 872073487 888693410 910085935 961553599 961579775 962706040 984885798 988461852 991953767 992053740 992360120 993909016 1029487883 1037512417 1045517001 1053068166 1055338999 1062962655 1081205281 1088958874
0585495939 ( electronic bk.)
9780585495934 ( electronic bk.)
Materia Geográfica:
Developing countries.
Pays en développement.
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Health Economics in Development., Washington, D.C. : World Bank, ©2004 (DLC) 2003057155
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Health, nutrition, and population series
World Bank e-Library

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