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Inventory of policy respons...
Inventory of policy responses to the financial and economic crisis :joint synthesis report
ILO/World Bank 2012

Assesses the policy responses during the recent economic and financial crisis and suggests areas where policy-makers should focus to improve their capacity to respond to future shocks. Reviews 62 distinct policies pertaining to employment and social protection, social dialogue, and labour standards in 55 low-income and middle-income countries and 22 high-income countries

ILO pub. World Bank pub. Pub OIT. Pub Banque mondiale. Pub OIT. Pub Banco Mundial.


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Inventory of policy responses to the financial and economic crisis : joint synthesis report / International Labour Office, the World Bank
[Geneva] : ILO/World Bank, 2012
Descripción física:
66 pages : statistics
01. Introduction -- 02. Macroeconomic and Sector Policies -- 03. Policies to Generate Labour Demand -- 04. Programmes to Facilitate Job Matching and Preserve Skills -- 05. Building Social Protection Systems and Protecting People -- 06. Minimum Wages -- 07. Social Dialogue during the Crisis -- 08. Labour Standards During the Crisis -- 09. Looking Ahead
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Mode of access: World Wide Web (available in electronic format only)
Oficina Internacional del Trabajo
Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento

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