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cover Tools and Environments for ...
Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Springer US 1996

Developing correct and efficient software is far more complex for parallel and distributed systems than it is for sequential processors. Some of the reasons for this added complexity are: the lack of a universally acceptable parallel and distributed programming paradigm, the criticality of achieving high performance, and the difficulty of writing correct parallel and distributed programs. These factors collectively influence the current status of parallel and distributed software development tools efforts. Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Systems addresses the above issues by describing working tools and environments, and gives a solid overview of some of the fundamental research being done worldwide. Topics covered in this collection are: mainstream program development tools, performance prediction tools and studies; debugging tools and research; and nontraditional tools. Audience: Suitable as a secondary text for graduate level courses in software engineering and parallel and distributed systems, and as a reference for researchers and practitioners in industry

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Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Systems / edited by Amr Zaky, Ted Lewis
Boston, MA : Springer US, 1996
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xi, 305 pages)
Mención de serie:
The Springer International Series in Software Engineering, 1384-6469 ; 2
Overview -- I -- Development Tools and Environments -- 1. A Visual Approach to Distributed Programming -- 2. ANNAI: An Integrated Parallel Programming Environment for Multicomputers -- 3. Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computing -- A Paradigm for Transportable Software -- 4. Performance and Scalability Issus in the Design and Implementation of a Parallel Programming Environment -- II -- Performance Prediction and Analysis -- 5. Performance Prediction of Dynamic Structures with N-MAP -- 6. Performance Analysis of Large Scale Parallel Applications -- 7. Efficiency Evaluation of PVM 2.X, PVM 3.X, P4, EXPRESS and LINDA on a Workstation Cluster Using the NAS Parallel Benchmarks -- III -- Debugging Tools -- 8. Accomodating Heterogeneity in A Debugger -- A Client-Server Approach -- 9. Efficient Detection of Unstable Global Conditions Based on Monotonic Channel Predicates -- IV -- Less Traditional Approaches -- 10. A Formal Semantics and An Interactive Environment for SISAL -- 11. Parallel High-Performance Matrix Computations in the MaTRiX++ System -- 12. Transparent Object Distribution and Remote Inheritance
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
934971153 968653499
9781461541233 ( electronic bk.)
1461541239 ( electronic bk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: 9781461368496
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Springer International Series in Software Engineering ; 2

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