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cover Identification of Ligand Bi...
Identification of Ligand Binding Site and Protein-Protein Interaction Area
Springer 2012

This volume presents a review of the latest numerical techniques used to identify ligand binding and protein complexation sites. It offers a comparative analysis of models based on geometry versus those based on knowledge of the biological phenomenon

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Identification of Ligand Binding Site and Protein-Protein Interaction Area
Dordrecht : Springer, 2012
Descripción física:
1 online resource (172 pages)
Mención de serie:
Focus on Structural Biology ; v. 8
Contributors -- Foreword -- Chapter 1 SuMo, J-A. Chemelle, E. Bettler, CH. Combet, R. Terreux, CH. Geourjon, G. Deleage -- Chapter 2 Identification of pockets on protein surface to predict protein-ligand binding sites, Binding Huang -- Chapter 3 Can the structure of the hydrophobic core determine the complexation site?, M. Banach, L. Konieczny, I. Roterman -- Chapter 4 Comparative analysis of techniques oriented on the recognition of ligand binding area in proteins, P. Alejster, M. Banach, W. Jurkowski, D. Marchewka, I. Roterman -- Chapter 5 Docking predictions of protein-protein interactions and their assessment, Joel Janin -- Chapter 6 Prediction of protein-protein binding interfaces, D. Marchewka, W. Jurkowski, M. Banach, I. Roterman -- Chapter 7 Support for Cooperative Experiments in e-Science: From Scientific Workflows to Knowledge Sharing, A. Belloum, R. Cushing, S. Koulouzis, V. Korkhov, D. Vasunin, V. Guevara-Masis, Z. Zhao, M. Bubak -- Index
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
9789400752849 ( hbk.)
9400752849 ( hbk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: 9789400752849
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Focus on structural biology


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