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Trends in children's employ...
Trends in children's employment and child labour in the Latin America and Caribbean region : country report for Guatemala
UCW 2010

Based on a comparison of the results of Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida surveys from 2000 to 2006, shows that the progress against children's employment is the product of both a decrease of the share of children combining employment and school

ILO pub. UNICEF pub. World Bank pub. Pub OIT. Pub FISE. Pub Banque mondiale. Pub OIT. Pub UNICEF. Pub Banco Mundial.


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Trends in children's employment and child labour in the Latin America and Caribbean region : country report for Guatemala / Understanding Children's Work (UCW) Project
Rome : UCW, 2010
Descripción física:
24 pages : statistics
Mención de serie:
Understanding Children's Work Programme working paper series
Detalles del sistema:
Mode of access: World Wide Web (available in electronic format only)
Understanding Children's Work

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