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cover Acts of faith : explaining ...
Acts of faith : explaining the human side of religion
University of California Press ©2000

Finally, social scientists have begun to attempt to understand religious behavior rather than to discredit it as irrational, ignorant, or foolish-and Rodney Stark and Roger Finke have played a major role in this new approach. Acknowledging that science cannot assess the supernatural side of religion (and therefore should not claim to do so), Stark and Finke analyze the observable, human side of faith. In clear and engaging prose, the authors combine explicit theorizing with animated discussions as they move from considering the religiousness of individuals to the dynamics of religious groups and then to the religious workings of entire societies as religious groups contend for support. The result is a comprehensive new paradigm for the social-scientific study of religion

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Acts of faith : explaining the human side of religion / Rodney Stark and Roger Finke
Berkeley : University of California Press, ©2000
Descripción física:
1 online resource (343 pages) : illustrations
Includes bibliographical references (pages 295-324) and index
Introduction: Atheism, Faith, and the Social Scientific Study of Religion --( pt. 1.) ; Paradigms in Conflict.( 1.) ; A New Look at Old Issues.( 2.) ; Rationality and the "Religious Mind"( 3.) ; Secularization, R.I.P. --( pt. 2.) ; The Religious Individual.( 4.) ; The Micro Foundations of Religion.( 5.) ; Religious Choices: Conversion and Reaffiliation --( pt. 3.) ; The Religious Group.( 6.) ; Religious Group Dynamics.( 7.) ; Catholic Religious Vocations: Decline and Revival --( pt. 4.) ; The Religious Economy.( 8.) ; A Theoretical Model of Religious Economies.( 9.) ; Religious Competition and Commitment: An International Assessment.( 10.) ; Church-to-Sect Movements. ; Appendix: Propositions and Definitions
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
761646209 816869954 961592673 962594163 988456773 992069448 1037796802 1038649485 1045536669 1081279858
9780520924345 ( e-book)
0520924347 ( e-book)
0520222016 ( alk. paper)
0520222024 ( pbk. ;) ( alk. paper)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Stark, Rodney. Acts of Faith : Explaining the Human Side of Religion., Berkeley : University of California Press, ©2000 9780520222014


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