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Quantum-statistical models of hot dense matter : methods for computation opacity and equation of state
Birkhäuser Verlag 2005

"The widely used theoretical models for calculating properties of hot dense matter are studied in this book. Calculations using the presented formulas and algorithms are illustrated by plots, tables, and also are compared with experimental results. The purpose is to help to understand atomic physics in hot plasma and to develop efficient and robust computer codes for calculating opacity and equations of state for arbitrary material in a wide range of temperatures and densities."--Jacket

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Título uniforme:
Kvantovo-statisticheskie modeli vysokotemperaturnoi plazmy. English
Quantum-statistical models of hot dense matter : methods for computation opacity and equation of state / A.F. Nikiforov, V.G. Novikov, V.B. Uvarov ; translated from the Russian by Andrei Iacob
Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser Verlag, 2005
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xvii, 428 pages) : illustrations
Mención de serie:
Progress in mathematical physics ; v. 37
Includes bibliographical references (pages 409-426) and index
Preliminaries; Contents; 1 The generalized Thomas Fermi model; 2 Electron wave functions in a given potential; 3 Quantum statistical self consistent field models; 4 The Hartree Fock Slater model for the average atom; 5 Interaction of radiation with matter; 6 The equation of state; Bibliography; Index
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
144515372 190866934 225388525 228156874 228156875 228400173 262681084 316868300 320960971 613447465 647507573 690011082 985038153 994785841 1005830013 1035653324 1044146654 1044324732 1044330482 1056302285 1056332875 1056411257 1077248548 1087325895 1097346995 1102300909 1125452929 1132161793 1136327570
9783764321833 ( acid-free paper)
3764321830 ( acid-free paper)
3764373466 ( electronic bk.)
9783764373467 ( electronic bk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Nikiforov, A.F. Kvantovo-statisticheskie modeli vysokotemperaturnoi plazmy. English. Quantum-statistical models of hot dense matter., Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser Verlag, 2005 3764321830 (DLC) 2005041131 (OCoLC)57594533
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Progress in mathematical physics ; v. 37


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