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cover Political pamphlets and ser...
Political pamphlets and sermons from Wales 1790-1806
University of Wales Press 2014 2014

This in-depth volume reviews the Welsh political pamphlets and sermons of the period, focusing on the debates between religious Dissenters, Methodists and the Church; radicals and loyalists; as well as pacifists and patriotic war supporters. Its second part presents annotated editions of five important Welsh political pamphlets with full translation, thus making them accessible to an English-speaking audience for the first time


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Political pamphlets and sermons from Wales 1790-1806 / Marion Löffler ; with Bethan Jenkins
Cardiff, Wales : University of Wales Press, 2014
Descripción física:
1 online resource (344 p.)
Mención de serie:
Wales and the French Revolution
Nota general:
Description based upon print version of record
Includes bibliographical references and index
""Cover""; ""Back Cover""; ""List of Figures""; ""Preface""; ""Translatorâ?s Acknowledgements""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""List of Abbreviations""; ""Editorial Principles""; ""Political Pamphlets and Sermons from Wales 1790â?1806: An Overview""; ""1 [Morgan John Rhys], Cyngor Gamaliel; Neu Ddyledswydd Brydain: MewnPregeth ar Ddydd Ympryd, Chwefror 28, 1794""; ""2 John Jones, Glan-y-Gors, Bardd, Seren tan Gwmmwl, Neu Ychydig Sylwar Frenhinoedd, Escobion, Arglwyddi &c. a Llywodraeth Lloegr yn Gyffredin. Wediei ysgrifennu er mwyn y Cymru uniaith""; ""3 J. Jones, Glan y Gors, Toriad y Dydd
Neu Sylw Byr ar Hen Gyfreithiau acArferion Llywodraethol: Ynghyd a Chrybwylliad am Freintiau Dyn, &c. Wedi eiysgrifennu er mwyn y Cymry uniaith""""4 Thomas Roberts, o Lwynrhudol, Cwyn yn erbyn Gorthrymder, Yn ghyda Sylwiadau ar hawl Esgobion, aâ?u Gweinidogion i Ddegymau, &c. Wedi ei ysgrifenuer mwyn Gwerinos Cymru""; ""5 [William Richards], Cwyn y Cystuddiedig, A Griddfanau y CarcharorionDieuog
Neu, Ychydig o Hanes Dyoddefiadau diweddar Thomas John a SamuelGriffiths, y rhai wedi goddef Gorthrymder tost a Chaeth iwed caled, dros chwech neusaith o Fisoedd yn ddi-achos, a gawsant eu rhyddhau, oâ?r diwedd, yn yr uchelEisteddfod, neu y Sessiwn mawr diweddaf, yn Hwlffordd: er dirfawr Siomedigaethiâ?w Gelynion gwaedlyd a dideimlad""""Select Bibliography""; ""Index""
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Wales and the French Revolution


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