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Institutions and ideology
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009

Contributes to the literature on the sociology of organizations and management, especially to sociological institutionalism. This title covers the empirical areas that range from technology and software development, the brewing industry, custodial facilities to the organization of birthing.


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Institutions and ideology [ Recurso electrónico] / edited by Renate E. Meyer, Kerstin Sahlin, Marc J. Ventresca, Peter Walgenbach
Bingley, : Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2009
Descripción física:
350 p.
Tipo Audiovisual:
Organizational sociology
Organizational theory & behaviour
Business and Management
Mención de serie:
Research in the sociology of organizations, 0733-558X ; v. 27
Includes bibliographical references
Ideology and institutions : introduction / Renate E. Meyer, Kerstin Sahlin, Marc J. Ventresca, Peter Walgenbach -- Institutional streams, logics, and fields / Giuseppe Delmestri -- Dominant logic, culture and ideology / Alistair Mutch -- Global organization : rationalization and actorhood as dominant scripts / Gili S. Drori, John W. Meyer, Hokyu Hwang -- 'Birthing' versus 'being delivered' : of bodies, ideologies, and institutions / Elke Weik -- Modeling Foucault : dualities of power in institutional fields / John W. Mohr, Brooke Neely -- Work, control and computation : rethinking the legacy of neo-institutionalism / Jannis Kallinikos, Hans Hasselbladh -- Institutional entrepreneurs performing in meaning arenas : transgressing institutional logics in two organizational fields / Ann Westenholz -- Institution, practice, and ontology : toward a religious sociology / Roger Friedland -- Paradigm shifts as ideological changes : a Kuhnian view of endogenous institutional disruption / Rick Vogel
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