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cover An Introduction to the Theo...
An Introduction to the Theory of Groups
Springer Verlag 2014

Anyone who has studied "abstract algebra" and linear algebra as an undergraduate can understand this book. This edition has been completely revised and reorganized, without however losing any of the clarity of presentation that was the hallmark of the previous editions. The first six chapters provide ample material for a first course: beginning with the basic properties of groups and homomorphisms, topics covered include Lagrange's theorem, the Noether isomorphism theorems, symmetric groups, G-sets, the Sylow theorems, finite Abelian groups, the Krull-Schmidt theorem, solvable and nilpotent groups, and the Jordan-Holder theorem. The middle portion of the book uses the Jordan-Holder theorem to organize the discussion of extensions (automorphism groups, semidirect products, the Schur-Zassenhaus lemma, Schur multipliers) and simple groups (simplicity of projective unimodular groups and, after a return to G-sets, a construction of the sporadic Mathieu groups)

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An Introduction to the Theory of Groups
Springer Verlag, 2014
Descripción física:
1 online resource
Mención de serie:
Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 0072-5285 ; 148
Groups and Homomorphisms -- The Isomorphism Theorems -- Symmetric Groups and G-Sets -- The Sylow Theorems -- Normal Series -- Finite Direct Products -- Extensions and Cohomology -- Some Simple Linear Groups -- Permutations and Mathieu Groups -- Abelian Groups -- Free Groups and Free Products -- The Word Problem -- Appendices: Some Major Algebraic Systems -- Equivalence Relations and Equivalence Classes -- Functions -- Zorn's Lemma -- Countability -- Commutative Rings -- Bibliography -- Notation -- Index
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
852788209 1113635683 1159664268 1252630825
9781461241768 ( electronic bk.)
1461241766 ( electronic bk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Original 9781461286868 1461286867 (OCoLC)886494953
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Graduate texts in mathematics ; 148

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